Our Future - Kibble Annual Review 2014s
Annual Review 2014

Our Future - Strength in Ambition

2015 will be a year of particular significance as we commemorate 175 years since Miss Elizabeth Kibble wrote her Last Will and Testament, leaving a lasting legacy to offer care and support to young people in Paisley and ultimately laying the foundations for Kibble. From the outset we have always been forward thinking and there to support young people facing adversity. Although we remain true to these principles, our methods are constantly evolving and we grow our ambitions to ensure the young people in our care are given the best possible opportunity to build a brighter future.

At the forefront of this vision is the need to work in partnership, to continue to integrate our services, and to develop our provision to meet the changing requirements of young people. This was certainly evident with the opening of Kibble's newest social enterprise, The Experience. Supported by ERDF and a range of trusts and foundations, this will equip young people (16+) with new skills and valuable commercial work experience in the leisure and hospitality industry, ultimately improving employability prospects.

Kibble's Intensive Fostering Services (IFS) will open Merton House in Largs, a care home/residential service for 5-12 year olds in spring 2015. It will support some of the youngest and most vulnerable people in the care system. This early intervention service will work with a maximum of five children at any one time and provide a supportive and nurturing environment. Children living at Merton House will get regular opportunities to enjoy family living with respite carers which will help aid the transition from residential living to a long-term foster care placement. The young people will also have access to our other provision such as the primary school and psychological services. We believe this facility is unique in Scotland.

IFS will also continue to strengthen the service it offers by working to recruit more foster carers and adult placement providers through our 'Join our Fostering Family' campaign. They will be busy delivering the message that if you're a patient and resilient person keen to make a difference, fostering could be for you and Kibble is one of the best services you can do it with.

In the coming year Kibble will continue to grow its school service for younger children with the addition of Garnock Primary. This means Kibble will have two active primary schools delivering a learning model aimed at reintegration into the mainstream where possible. Early intervention and effective support is the model for sustainability.

Our Commitment to Excellence


Extract taken from the Kibble Education and Care Centre Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2014, Consolidated Statement of Finance Activities. A full copy of the report is available on request.

Care Inspectorate Reports

School Care Accomodation Service Inspection Report
Quality of Care and Support 5 Very Good
Quality of Environment 5 Very Good
Quality of Staffing 5 Very Good
Quality of Management and Leadership 5 Very Good
Care Inspectorate, August 2014
Safe Centre Secure Accommodation Service Inspection Report
Quality of Care and Support 6 Excellent
Quality of Environment 5 Very Good
Quality of Staffing 5 Very Good
Quality of Management and Leadership 6 Excellent
Care Inspectorate, August 2014
Intensive Fostering Services Inspection Report
Quality of Care and Support 6 Excellent
Quality of Staffing 6 Excellent
Quality of Management and Leadership 5 Very Good
Care Inspectorate, January 2014
Adult Placement Services Inspection Report
Quality of Care and Support 6 Excellent
Quality of Staffing 5 Very Good
Quality of Management and Leadership 6 Excellent
Care Inspectorate, June 2014

Thank You!

We would like to express our wholehearted thanks to those who have supported Kibble during 2014. Your kindness allows us to continue our work, investing in and enhancing our services. Ensuring each disadvantaged child and young person in our care has access to a brighter and improved future is at the heart of what we do, and your generosity allows us to continue with this work.

The Big Lottery
The Peter Brough Bequest Fund
Creative Scotland
The Mr and Mrs William Donald's Memorial Trust
European Regional Development Fund
European Social Fund
The Gannochy Trust
Glasgow Airport Flightpath Fund
Moffat Charitable Trust
The Underwood Trust
Zero Waste Scotland

This Annual Review was designed and created in-house by Kibble's Funding, Marketing and Communications department.