Kibble Held Their Annual Pride Picnic
Our annual Pride Picnic was humongous fun! An event to celebrate love, happiness and positivity.
Our Pupils Gift £3K to Their Chosen Charity
Discover how pupils from Kibble’s Goudie Academy advocated for their chosen charity to receive a grant of £3K.
Kibble Welcomes 10 New Volunteers
Volunteering at Kibble is a rewarding experience. Find out more about what’s involved.
Congratulations Class of 2023
Goudie Academy’ held a prom with the glamorous theme of ‘Dress to Impress’.
Over 50 Potential Applicants Met with Us at Our Kibble Careers Fair
Over 50 people took the opportunity to find out about the range of job vacancies available at Kibble at our jobs fair.
Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding Kibble as ‘Very Good’ Across All Quality Indicators
Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding Kibble as ‘Very Good’ Across All Quality Indicators
The Skills Academy Held a Careers Day for Pupils
Kibble’s education and training centre, The Skills Academy held a careers event for young people to meet with key employers…
Kibble Awarded ‘Best Charity Employer’ at S1 Jobs Recruitment Awards
Kibble awarded ‘Best Charity Employer’ at S1Jobs Recruitment Awards. Our job vacancies recruit for dedicated employees & we strive to be a top employer in return.