Kibble and St Mirren Partnership Archives - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity

Young People Showcased Kibble’s Skills Academy Brilliantly

Young people were exceptional in showcasing Kibble’s Skills Academy at the Open Day.

Construction Students Pass with Flying Colours by Decorating First-Team Changing Room

Kibble’s Skills Academy students decorate St Mirren’s first team changing room. Look at the finished result.

Meet Skills Academy Instructor Paul

Hear from Painting and Decorating Instructor Paul about projects him and young people have completed at St Mirren Football Club’s SMISA Stadium and Training Complex.

Kibble’s Skills Academy Support St Mirren’s SMISA Stadium Through Storm Isha

Young people who are attending Kibble’s Skills Academy to qualify in construction help maintain St Mirren’s SMISA Stadium and Training Complex. The students along with Construction Instructor, Craig swiftly carried out maintenance checks after the impact of Storm Isha.

Kibble Students Show St Mirren’s First-Team, First-Class Construction Skills

Look at the renovation projects completed by Kibble students from The Skills Academy who are aspiring joiners.

Kibble Sponsor St Mirren Women’s Team

Kibble sponsor St Mirren Women’s Team in the hope of encouraging greater participation and access to the game across the local community.

Kibble, St Mirren FC and Scottish Leather Group Helped Distribute Warm Clothing Throughout the Local Community

Our call for warm clothing donations received enough items to fill St Mirren’s South Stand. Thank you to everyone who helped us make sure all families were able to get coats, jumpers, hats and more this winter.

The Skills Academy Help Renovate St Mirren FC’s Hospitality Entrance

Young people who attend Kibble’s Skills Academy renovated St Mirren’s hospitality entrance under the guidance of a Joiner Instructor and gained their National Progression Award in Construction.

Our Young People Score a New Role at St Mirren FC

Young people at Kibble are the club’s new Ball Attendants for the season, with the volunteering hours counting towards their Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh Awards.