Goudie Academy Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity

Discover The Meaning Behind Our School Art Project

Our pupils and staff team have collaborated to create a wonderful art piece with a meaningful message to treat one another with kindness.

Kibble Held Their Annual Pride Picnic 

Our annual Pride Picnic was humongous fun! An event to celebrate love, happiness and positivity.

Our Pupils Gift £3K to Their Chosen Charity

Discover how pupils from Kibble’s Goudie Academy advocated for their chosen charity to receive a grant of £3K.

Congratulations Class of 2023

Goudie Academy’ held a prom with the glamorous theme of ‘Dress to Impress’.

Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding Kibble as ‘Very Good’ Across All Quality Indicators

Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding Kibble as ‘Very Good’ Across All Quality Indicators

The Skills Academy Held a Careers Day for Pupils

Kibble’s education and training centre, The Skills Academy held a careers event for young people to meet with key employers…

Pupils Were Celebrated at Kibble’s Oscar Event

Read about a night at Kibble’s Oscars-inspired event. Young people received awards for their talents within expressive arts.

Children’s Mental Health Week at Kibble

Find out how we marked Children’s Mental Health Week 2023. It was fun-filled with plenty of interactive group experiences.

We Had a Ball Celebrating Care Day at Who Cares? Scotland’s ‘Carelidh’ Event

Children, young people and staff across Kibble celebrated Care Day by ceilidh dancing at Who Cares? Scotland’s ‘Carelidh’ event.

Artwork made from recycled materials

Pupils Achieve Green Flag Eco Schools Award

Pupils at Kibble’s Goudie Academy have been awarded the Green Flag Eco Schools Award, recognising their outstanding contributions in protecting…