Child and Youth Care Worker Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity

Career Start | Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Paul

Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Paul

The Magic of Story-Telling at Forest View

Through the Scottish Book Trust, Forest View experienced the magic of a storybook session.

Kibble Welcomed Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for a Road Safety Workshop

Kibble invited Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to share with young people the importance of safe driving.

Sports Day Fun

Find out the fun had by adults and young people at the Sports Day competition.

Meet Kerryanne Who Became a Graduate Through Kibble’s Further Study Programme

Meet Child and Youth Care Worker, Kerryanne who completed a Master’s degree in Child Protection, while working, funded by Kibble.

A Parent’s Story

Read the letter Kibble received from a family who received support from our caring staff team.

Career Start | Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Julie Ann

At 51 years of age, Julie Ann decided she wanted to work with children. Career Start gave her the opportunity to change from working in retail to beginning a career in child and youth care.

Career Start | Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Amanda

Trainee Amanda’s enthusiasm is exactly who Kibble’s Career Start programme recruits for. Those who have a drive to make a difference to the lives of children and young people.

Career Start | Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Dom

Previously an engineer, Dom decided to change careers as he wanted a rewarding job. He is currently earning while training with Kibble.

Career Start | Meet Trainee Child and Youth Care Worker, Kate

Find out why, Kate applied to Kibble’s Career Start Training Programme with the ambition to become a Child and Youth Care Worker.