A comprehensive list of the pages on our website.
Following strong research by The National Trust, which identified children are now playing outside for only half the amount of time than their parents did in their younger days[1] , Kibble have set out a commitment to embrace outdoor play and all the...
Our nurturing children’s residential houses for little ones aged five-12 are warm, welcoming and filled with love. Meet Manager, Natalie who has a valuable role in helping children feel settled in their new home.
supports at risk children and young people (aged 5-26) across the UK. Many of
the young people we care for have experienced significant trauma in their lives
and Kibble offers dedicated care and support to help them move forward. This includes
Kibble can accommodate visitors and meetings either in-person or through video technology; the arrangements for these events will normally be made and agreed in advance. Visitors are made to feel welcome at Kibble with our friendly staff team happy...
Guidance and governance remain the responsibility of Miss Elizabeth Kibble’s Trustees and their successors in office as set out in our original Trust Deed of 1841. Kibble is a legally constituted company which means we have obligations to operate in a...
Mission Empowering lives and fulfilling potential through care, education and opportunity. Vision Transforming lives, families and communities. Values Building relationships on integrity, compassion and trust. Accountable...
Across Kibble, our practice is becoming increasingly therapeutic and trauma-informed.
Kibble is one of Scotland’s largest social enterprise businesses and leads by example to young people, proactively encouraging their entrepreneurial spark and supporting them in developing valuable life skills in business, finance and leadership.
Kibble’s deeply rooted history has its origins in 1840 upon the death of Miss Elizabeth Kibble, heiress to a large textile fortune. On her death in 1840, she left a portion of her wealth to "found and endow in Paisley, an institution for the purpose o...
We are extremely grateful to receive support from a wide range of individuals, partners and organisations who provide us with the opportunity to continually invest in our services for young people, our staff and facilities. Ably Resources Amazon...
Children and young people (aged 5 – 26) are supported by a full range of integrated services to ensure the best outcomes. By providing this wrap-around support, with each service collaborating on the best approaches for each young person, we provide a...
Why Choose Kibble Adoption? Kibble Adoption is a new service that was created in direct response to the needs of children requiring forever families in Scotland. The development of this service is an extension to the range of excellent care...
Kibble provides residential care and support to children and young people, aged 5-26, who have been referred by local authorities.
Kibble provide residential care houses located on our campus that accommodate young people aged 12 to 18. We
provide safe, comfortable accommodation in a supportive environment.
Many of the young people who come to Kibble have been affected by
Kibble provide residential care houses based in the community that accommodate children aged 5 to 12, and young people aged 16 to 21. Each of these care houses provide a range of accommodation and support to suit the varying needs of the age group and...
Community Services provide a range of accommodation for young people, aged
between 5 and 26 in the heart of the community. There is a mix of residential
care houses where full support is provided similar to on-campus accommodation, close
support i...
Kibble’s Housing Support Services help young people (aged 16-26) move on from Kibble’s residential care houses into supported tenancies in the community. Having a safe, welcoming place to live is something that most of us take for granted. For car...
We aim to transform lives through learning with our primary and secondary schools along with The Skills Academy, our tertiary education and training centre.
We provide primary school education to children aged 5 – 12 and our lessons aim to cover every aspect of the Broad General Education as set out in Curriculum for Excellence.
Forest View is a thriving, therapeutic primary school campus in the heart of Lochwinnoch – a semi-rural village in the west of Scotland. Our school provides an inspiring education for children between the ages of 5 – 12, who need a helping hand to ...
Kibble provides a bespoke secondary programme for pupils in line with Curriculum for Excellence. Our flexible curriculum provides a breadth of choice and challenge for S1 – S6 pupils. Young people are encouraged to study subjects that are relevant t...
Through The Skills Academy, young people can gain work experience, training and qualifications in line with the current job market.
We provide tailored primary and secondary education to children and young people across central Scotland on a day-basis. Pupils from surrounding areas attend Kibble school when mainstream education has been ineffective in meeting their needs. Day...
Kibble Safe Centre provides a safe, secure and supportive environment to help young people through a period of crisis.
Kibble’s Community Services provide accommodation for young people, aged between 16 and 21 in the heart of the community.
Our early years services provide a range of supports for children aged five+ with experience of trauma.
Forest View Residential Houses provide nurturing, residential care for children aged between five and twelve.
Arran Villa provides residential child care in the heart of the North Ayrshire community. Children over the age of five who have had a difficult start in life experience a safe, supportive home at Arran Villa.
Kibble’s fostering service provides safe, loving homes for children and young people aged five+ who are unable to live with their birth families.
Our Specialist Intervention Services (SIS) team provides psychological assessment and therapeutic support for young people at Kibble.
Child and Adolescent Therapies The service provides a range of therapeutic interventions tailored to the individual needs and learning style of each young person. These include: Dyadic Developmental Practice (DDP) Systemic Family Work Bereavement...
Systemic Family Work The SIS team support young people and their families/carers. Systemic family work helps families to work on their relationships and brings them together to talk about their problems and experiences as a family. We try...
IVY is a specialist psychological and social work service which conducts risk assessment, formulation and management for high-risk young people aged 12-18.
The SAFE service is a new, free service for young people and families affected by crime. This vital community-based service has been established thanks to the Scottish Government Victim Centred Approach Fund. The funding has allowed for the development...
Kibble have an innovative partnership with St. Mirren Football Club, which is supported by the St. Mirren Independent Supporters Association (SMISA).
Access our range of resources
We want you to feel as happy and settled as possible while you are at Kibble. That’s why we encourage you to tell us if you think there’s something we could do better, or if you have a complaint. There are a few ways you can do this: Speak to som...
If you’re a young person at Kibble, this section will give you more information on all the things you might want to know. If you ever have a question, or just want to talk to someone, please speak to any of us.
For more information or advice, please speak to your keyworker. You can also phone or write to any of the other services listed below. If they don’t have the information you need then they will put you in touch with someone who does: WhoCares? (...
What are my rights? It is important for you to know about your rights and responsibilities, so you know what to expect of others, and them of you. You have the right to be looked after well, to feel safe and to have a say in decisions that are made...
While you are here we will help take care of your health and make sure you are safe. We encourage you to
do exercise, enjoy a healthy diet, and support
you to deal with difficult feelings. You can talk to our nurse if you are not feeling well or...
Your team are your go-to people and you can talk to them about anything you want. The adults who surround you promise to help you with things like: Keeping in touch with people that are important to you Making sure you have everything...
We encourage young people to keep in touch with family and friends
if it’s safe for you to do so. This is agreed with your social worker. We will
be there to support you with keeping in touch with your family and friends. At first all visits will h...
In this section you will find information, advice and useful links. Being a parent or carer can be one of the hardest jobs there is. We’re here to support you if you need a helping hand sometime.
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and on this page,
we’ve put together a set of resources that can help you understand your rights
and where you can go for help; whether you’re a mum, dad, single parent,
kinship carer or a young parent. If you...
Your feedback is really important to us! It helps us to
understand what we need to improve and gives us the opportunity to share your
comments with our staff. Please let us know what we’ve done well or what we
could have done better. If you are u...
If you feel that a child or young person is in immediate
risk of harm, don’t delay—you should call 999 and ask to speak to the police. If you’re concerned about the welfare of a child or young
person, either because of their behaviour or the behav...
Here you’ll find the latest Care Inspectorate Reports, publications and useful downloads. You will also find information requests around freedom of information, data protection and more.
Our care services are monitored and evaluated by the Care Inspectorate and our education services are monitored and evaluated by Education Scotland. Here are the latest PDF inspection reports available for download: Cochrane House - School Care Accommodation...
Guide to Information Freedom of Information Scotland Act (FOISA) requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. Authorities are under a legal obligation to: Publish the classes of information that they make...
About Kibble Education And Care Centre 1.1. Our Location 1.2. Management Structure 1.3. Governance 1.4. Board and Trustees 1.5. Mission statement 1.6. Strategy...
How Kibble Delivers Our Functions And Services 2.1. Operational structure, plans and reports 2.2. List of Services 2.3. School Improvement Plans 2.4. Internal staff procedures 2.5. Policies 2.6. How to access our services 2.7....
How Kibble Takes Decisions And What It Has Decided 3.1. Minutes of Board Meetings 3.2. Regulatory Inspections, audits and investigations carried out by the school 3.3. Reports and reviews 3.1. Minutes of Board Meetings Board meeting...
What Kibble Spends and How It Spends It 4.1.
How Kibble is funded
Annual accounts
Financial policies and procedures
Expenses policies and procedures
Senior staff/ board member expenses by category 4.6.
Financial audit...
How Kibble Manages Its Human, Physical and Information Resources 5.1.
Management of Human Resources
Human Resources strategy
Human Resources policies and procedures
Management of Kibble’s land and property assets
Description o...
How Kibble Procures Goods And Services From External Providers 6.1.
Procurement policies and procedures
Invitations to tender 6.3.
List of contracts which have gone through formal tendering, including name of supplier, period of contract,...
How Kibble Is Performing 7.1. Performance indicators
7.2. Care Inspectorate reports
7.3. Awards 7.1. Performance Indicators and Performance Against Them All performance indicators and performance management reviews are
Our Commercial Publications Class description Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g. bookshop, museum or research journal. The information we publish under...
Under the extension to the Freedom of Information (Scotland)
Act 2002, functions such as secure accommodation and education are covered by
all aspects of FOISA legislation including publishing information. Individuals
have a right to access all recorded...
According to the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, environmental information is defined as “any information on the state of the elements of the environment, such as air and atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape and natural sites i...
Kibble’s ICO registration number is Z5968316. KibbleWorks’s ICO registration number is ZA386001. The Information Commissioner maintains a public register of
data controllers. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) require every
Data Con...
Annual reviews Kibble Annual Review 2023 | We Are Kibble Download Kibble Annual Review 2022 | We Are Kibble Download Kibble Annual Review 2020-21 | Momentum Download Kibble Annual Report 2019-20 Download Kibble Annual...
The below resources are intended for Kibble staff and will be updated regularly alongside our staff intranet.
What is Safe Space? Safe Space is an in-house service established to offer support to staff who may benefit from a protected space to talk and reflect on their work experiences confidentially. Staff can choose to meet with a member of the team via...
Below you will find a number of useful link and resources offering advice, support and information to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities. LGBT Foundation LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and in...
Research is at the heart of our practice at Kibble, ensuring we continue to deliver the best outcomes for the young people we support. Find the latest research and evidence from Kibble staff.
Find out more about the breadth of training and learning opportunities at Kibble. We invest in all staff to provide development opportunities and to ensure they have the skills and qualifications to best support the young people.
Safe Crisis Management (SCM) training equips employees with the
skills to safely and confidently manage challenging behaviour through
non-physical intervention techniques. Kibble adopted the Safe Crisis Management® programme in 2004. We
are ...
Kibble recruit for various job vacancies across Child and Youth Care, Education, Mental Health Services and Support Services. No matter what your role, you will help ensure vulnerable children and young people receive essential support 24/7, 365...
Earn while you gain a academic qualification and develop practical skills. This is an incredible opportunity to build a rewarding career.
Find out about Kibble's Career Start programme. Seize the opportunity to take on the rewarding role of a Child and Youth Care Worker.
Click here to visit our vacancies. Our dedicated recruitment site will help you discover our current career opportunities or register for Kibble job alerts. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to be the first to know about job vacancies...
Kibble can offer student placements within both our care and education settings. All students must have a current PVG disclosure in place in advance of any confirmation of placement. When applying for a student placement, all applicants must include...
Volunteer with Kibble Volunteer at Kibble to develop friendships with young people and brighten their day with happy experiences. By offering the gift of your time to Kibble, you will support us in empowering young people through care, education...
Keep up-to-date with the latest news, events and updates across our services.
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We are extremely grateful to receive support from a wide range of individuals, partners and organisations who provide us with the opportunity to continually invest in our services for young people, staff and facilities. Here are just a few examples of...
you be that special person that changes a child or young person’s life for the
better? To create happy childhood memories and to nurture and encourage a young
person to achieve their dreams? Being a foster carer is one of the most
rewarding roles. I...
Make an enquiry Please fill in the form below and we will call or email you back as soon as possible. For specific queries regarding student placement applications please see our Student Placements page.
Kibble provides an inclusive, wrap-around support for children and young people from the age of 5 to 26. We provide residential care, a rewarding education, therapeutic support and a range of opportunities to help young people feel safe and supported....
The aim of this accessibility statement is to help users to
get the most out of our site by explaining the accessibility features that have
been included. Text size The site has been designed work with larger text sizes, and
the size of the text...
Kibble Privacy Notice The following information is the Privacy Notice for the Kibble Group covering, Kibble Education and Care Centre, KibbleWorks and all other registered companies as part of the Kibble Group. This privacy notice is in relation...
Your personal details are safe with us. We can guarantee
that they will never be made available to any third party or placed on shared
databases. We do not collect or store any information that can be used to personally identify any of our users....
Thank you for enquiring about a student placement. We will be in touch shortly.