Research is at the heart of our practice at Kibble, ensuring we continue to deliver the best outcomes for the young people we support.
Our research is conducted on an international scale, exploring best practice in the fields of; childhood trauma, mental health and wellbeing, education, employability, secure care, supporting families and more.
We have a dedicated researcher, and many of our staff have published research that is significantly contributing to developments in the field of child and youth care. Our Clinical Director, Dan Johnson, has completed a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship on how trauma-informed principles can be translated into tangible practice in residential and secure care in the UK.
Validation of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument with a looked after population
The Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument–version 2 (MAYSI-2) was developed to help identify mental health needs of young people admitted to youth detention centres. This study aimed to assess the validity of the MAYSI-2 in Scotland with a looked after and accommodated population. The MAYSI-2 had good internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis showed good overlap with the tool’s original factor model.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10.1177/1359104518799119, (135910451879911), (2018)
Claire Reilly, Dan R Johnson and Kirstin Ferguson
Adolescent Males and Firesetting: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
This research uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to explore the lived experiences of firesetting in male adolescents in secure care. Key themes were identified that provides an insight into the function of this behaviour for this population.
Claire Reilly & Dan Johnson (2016)
33:1, 36-50, DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2016.1159938
An Exploration of the Evidence Regarding Psychological Treatment for Trauma Symptoms with Young People in Residential and Secure Care
Submitted for publication in the Children and YOUTH Care Services Review:
This review attempts to explore the current research into psychological treatment for trauma symptoms with young people in residential and secure care. A rapid evidence-based assessment approach is utilised, systematically searching eight online databases. Various modes of treatment are identified for use in residential settings for young people presenting with trauma symptomology. These are discussed in relation to efficacy, limitations and direction for future research.
Full list of research articles by Dan Johnson held here:
What should we do about trauma?
Trauma Ther
apy: Exploring the Views of Young People in Care
Download: Trauma Therapy: Exploring the Views of Young People in Care