Kibble Held Their Annual Pride Picnic
Our annual Pride Picnic was humongous fun! An event to celebrate love, happiness and positivity.
Our Pupils Gift £3K to Their Chosen Charity
Discover how pupils from Kibble’s Goudie Academy advocated for their chosen charity to receive a grant of £3K.
Taking it all in our Pride
On Friday 23rd June, Young people at Kibble’s Safe Centre enjoyed an end of term Fun Day and celebration of…
Kibble Young Person Co-Chairs National Youth Justice Conference
On Thursday 15th June, in front of a packed-out room of delegates working across the youth justice sector, a quietly…
Kibble Keeps The Promise
On Friday 23rd June, the Gannochy Centre for Expressive Arts was the backdrop for ‘Kibble Keeps The Promise’, a celebratory…
Kibble Welcomes 10 New Volunteers
Volunteering at Kibble is a rewarding experience. Find out more about what’s involved.
Congratulations Class of 2023
Goudie Academy’ held a prom with the glamorous theme of ‘Dress to Impress’.
Partnership delivers Promise pilot on reducing restraint
Reinstating their commitment to The Promise, Kibble has partnered with Aberlour Children’s Charity and partners in the child and youth…