News - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity
November 12, 2014

DEBRA Charity Supported by Caring and Committed Staff and Young People

CARE worker Kathleen Quinn was listening to the radio on her way into work when she heard a harrowing story…

October 23, 2014

CELCIS Conference – We are Family

*** Update *** You can now see footage from the conference below. We were very proud to play a huge…

October 3, 2014

Kibble’s Integrated Contribution to the CELCIS Conference

With less than a week to go, Kibble’s contribution to the CELCIS Conference on 8 October in Perth Concert Hall is shaping…

September 18, 2014

Calling all former Rolls Royce employees

AN appeal has been launched for information about what it was like to work in the former Rolls Royce aero…

September 10, 2014

Ever Thought About Fostering?

With more than 16,000 children living in care, Kibble Education and Care Centre is urging people in the West of…

September 5, 2014

Open Your Eyes

The following is an article by Gavin Sinclair and was first published in the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol…

August 8, 2014

Gold Award for Kibble

Kibble Education and Care Centre has been presented with the prestigious Investors in People Gold Accreditation Award. The Investors in…

June 25, 2014

With A Little Help from My Friends

AN iconic Beatles song has been recorded being performed like never before. Legendary British music producer Tom Newman had pupils…

May 26, 2014

Please Listen – a Drama Created by Kibble Education and Care Centre

The following is an article by Gavin Sinclair and was first published in the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 13(1),…

April 24, 2014

Eat Safe Award for KibbleWorks

CHEF Alex Dow knocks his pan in to make sure he keeps a clean kitchen and prepares the best food….