Arran Villa Care Home Opens its Doors
We’re delighted to announce the opening of Kibble’s Arran Villa Care Home this month. The new care home, located in the scenic…
Kibble Praised for Building Safer Communities
Kibble staff were delighted to welcome Deputy Chief Constable Rose Fitzpatrick of Police Scotland on a recent visit to learn…
Kibble Scoops Top Local Government Awards
Kibble Education and Care Centre collected two awards at the first annual Supplier Excellence Awards held by Scotland Excel, the centre of procurement…
Young People Tread The Boards At SIRCC Conference
Over the past few months young people at Kibble have enjoyed working in partnership with Who Cares? Scotland on a number of…
A Better Future
2014 was another busy year for Kibble as we continued to strengthen our provision for the young people that use…
Celebrating Creativity
Kibble welcomed young people from the Listen2Us Project in Dumfries, and Who Cares? Scotland as they put their collective heads together to craft some…
Time To Act
Kibble creatives joined forces with Who Cares? Scotland to entertain delegates at the recent Time to [act]: Care Can Be Phenomenal event…
A Day In The Life Of…
Young people at Kibble played a key role in the production of a short film depicting life in the Safe Centre….