Parliamentary Seal of Approval
THE Presiding Officer of The Scottish Parliament Ken Macintosh MSP took time last week to see how Kibble’s social enterprise…

World Wide Learning Brought to Paisley
A psychologist working in Kibble will be given the chance to learn about ground breaking techniques being used to help…

Parkour Shapes Positive Future for Pupil
One young person’s passion for Parkour has helped give him a brighter, happier future. Ross, a teenage pupil at Kibble,…

Are ye Dancin’? Are ye Askin’?
The Academy Restaurant at The Experience was transformed into an old-fashioned dance hall last Thursday (2 June) as locals joined…

Kibble Celebrate Volunteering Award
Kibble Education and Care Centre have been acknowledged for the support they give to local people volunteering in the community….
We See Potential – Kibble Annual Review 2015/16
Our Annual Review is now available to view online. It offers an overview of what we do, why we do it…

Bank Holiday Fun For Cared For Kids
YOUNG people and their foster carers took advantage of the recent Bank Holiday to cycle round the Island of Cumbrae….

Young workforce developing their potential
A PROMINENT education professional has described a Go-Karting and leisure venue as “unique” for its approach to helping young people…