KIBBLE Education and Care Centre were celebrating this week (6th October) after being highly commended for their innovative model for providing integrated care, education and employability services. The accolade was given in the ‘Best Service’ category at the prestigious GO Awards Scotland 2015/16 at a ceremony dinner in Glasgow.
The awards are the highlight of Procurex Scotland Live 2015, The Scottish Government’s annual procurement conference. This year, over 1200 delegates and special guests attended the SECC to learn about best practice and innovation in public sector procurement.
Kibble was given the prize after judges were impressed by Kibble’s innovative integrated service model which achieved improved outcomes for looked-after young people.
Jim Gillespie, Head of Service – Safe Centre, said:
“It is great for the staff to be recognised for their hard work. These national awards really are the benchmark for public sector organisations. We are leading the way with our integrated approach to service delivery.
“The team at Kibble are dedicated to helping disadvantaged young people and to be formally recognised in this way is a real privilege.”
Kibble Education and Care Centre was founded in 1859 after a wealthy Paisley textile heiress, Elizabeth Kibble, left a portion of her will to establish a home for “youthful offenders”. The organisation has grown to become Scotland’s leading organisation for providing care, training, education and employment opportunities to young people most removed from mainstream education.
Chief Executive, Graham Bell, said:
“Our staff work tirelessly to help the young people in our care, and it is an honour for Kibble to be recognised at a national award ceremony in this way.
“Whilst we remain committed to our original charitable mission, we will continue to ensure that our services are designed and delivered to meet the needs of the twenty first century.