On Thursday 15th June, in front of a packed-out room of delegates working across the youth justice sector, a quietly confident Nova Patterson of Kibble co-chaired the day’s events alongside fellow co-chair Ranald McTaggart of the National Youth Justice Advisory Group (NYJAG).
This was a significant engagement for Nova, who at the age of 16, held the room like they were a regular speaker on the conference circuit. The overall theme of the 2-day conference was the Children’s Care and Justice Bill, with day two’s focus on children’s rights, the impact of the Bill on children’s rights, and sessions exploring the National Bairns’ Hoose model and international research showing alternatives to secure care. Nova’s role on the day was to link the sessions together by introducing the speakers, their experience and overview of the session which Nova did effortlessly.
For Nova, being asked to co-chair the event was a real honour, and one that they did not take lightly. Nova took time to rehearse the script, considering all aspects from their pace, tone and presentation style. They listened intently to the proceedings of the day, engaging in conversations with delegates from across the world who are actively working to improve the rights of children and young people in justice settings.
Having graduated from Kibble’s Goudie Academy just weeks before, and proudly celebrating with friends and teachers at the school prom, Nova is wasting no time in making her mark on the world. With Nova’s drive and ambition, the world is their oyster, and we can’t wait to see what Nova goes onto achieve next.