SINGING, dancing, film making, poetry and drumming were all on the programme as the young people of Kibble Education and Care Centre showcased their talents. The acts were part of the annual ‘Kibble Allsorts’ variety show performed in front of a packed audience at The Gannochy Centre for Expressive Arts on the Kibble campus.
Special guests from West College Scotland dancers, Listen2Us and Who Cares? Scotland also impressed. The newly reformed Kibble Band, along with other Kibble youngsters made the show a triumph.
‘Kibble Allsorts’ runs in conjunction with the Scottish Mental Health & Film Festival, and there are many more activities planned throughout the next few weeks in Renfrewshire and beyond.
Speaking after the event, Creative Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair said:
“Everyone worked tirelessly to put on such a fantastic evening. The young people learn and develop new skills and confidence throughout the whole process of putting on the variety show.
“From the ICT Class making the short film, the Art Class preparing for the exhibition, or the many hours of practice that our musicians dedicated to making the live performances such a success – I want to pay tribute to all of them.”
Head Teacher of Kibble Education and Care Centre, Neil Govan, said:
“Yet another fantastic evening showcasing the talent this school has to offer. I thought the performances were outstanding – the sheer quality shone through. What’s less easy to appreciate is the skilful, thoughtful support that brings the youngsters to this point.
“The confident, capable performances don’t just happen and weeks of hard work allow the boys and girls to conquer their nerves and deliver in front of a packed audience. When it all comes together like it did this evening one can’t help but feel incredibly proud of this school.”