Siblings Day originated in America in 1998 and it’s now celebrated around the world on 10th April each year. It acknowledges the strong bond that brothers and sisters often share. Kibble Shared Living Foster Care recognises the importance of this unique relationship and that’s why we try, if circumstances allow, to keep brothers and sisters together.
Shared Living offers foster care placements for children and young people (aged 5+) who have faced adverse childhood experiences and multiple placement breakdowns. It provides a family home for young people who need intense levels of support and whose needs are best met in a small, family environment. Foster carers and young people are closely supported by our qualified, experienced key workers who are there for them 24/7. Funded by the Scottish Government and the ESF Social Innovation Fund, the initiative is a collaboration between Kibble, University of Strathclyde, CELCIS, Who Cares? Scotland and The Fostering Network.
Launched in December 2018, we have so far supported four young people including two brothers whose lives changed drastically when their dad passed away and the family struggled to cope with their loss. The brothers began to abscond from school, turned to substances and were known to the police. Shared Living Foster Care support has given the brothers the safety, structure and stability they need to move forward. Along with the support of their mum, the boys are making great progress. Their confidence is beginning to grow, and they are really starting to believe in themselves. Read their full story.