Kibble Admin, Author at Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity - Page 30 of 33
Posted: August 5, 2015

Kibble is proud to have been awarded Investors in Young People (IIYP) Gold Accreditation.
The prestigious award is Scotland’s only people management award that recognises excellence in an employer’s recruitment and retention of young people. The award demonstrates Kibble’s commitment to helping disadvantaged young people gain the skills, experience and confidence to build rewarding careers with bright futures.
Investors in Young People is designed to help employers meet their business goals by harnessing the creativity and skills of young people. Peter Russian, Chief Executive of Investors in People Scotland, said “This is a fantastic achievement for Kibble and I and the whole IIYP team would like to wholeheartedly congratulate them. The Investors in Young People framework not only recognises and supports organisations in the employment of young people, but also marks them out as an employer of choice”.
The award comes at an exciting time for Kibble as we develop our youth training and employment opportunities. KibbleWorks, our collective of social enterprises that provides employment, education and training to disadvantaged young people has recently expanded its offering in leisure and hospitality. The Experience is our 5-star themed entertainment and events venue at Hillington Park with; electric indoor Go-Karting, Laser Experience, Slot Car Racing, The Academy restaurant and meeting and event space. It is a real hub of opportunity for young people facing barriers to employment. The Experience is providing valuable and rewarding work experience and training in roles including; leisure assistants, catering, customer service, design and print, and front-of-house.
We have been looking after, educating and training young people, so they can play a positive role in society for more than 150 years. Graham Bell.Chief Executive, Kibble
Kibble operates a number of programmes for at risk young people, including the BIG YES Programme for 16-29 year olds who are furthest removed from the job market. The successful programme delivers practical work experience, skills development and job search advice. Young people can also gain accredited SQA and City and Guild qualifications, equipping them for a fast-paced and exciting career in leisure and hospitality. In addition, KibbleWorks provides employment opportunities for young people in care, preparing to leave care, or those whose needs cannot be addressed in the wider community. Employment and training is provided in; furniture restoration at OsKars, vehicle maintenance, design and print, picture framing and gardening and landscaping.

Chief Executive at Kibble Graham Bell passed his appreciation and thanks to IIYP for recognising the good work we do with young people. Kibble look forward to working with IIYP to continue to strengthen the opportunities we provide to young people.

Posted: July 30, 2015

We’re delighted to announce the opening of Kibble’s Arran Villa Care Home this month. The new care home, located in the scenic seaside town of Largs, will offer care and support to young children (aged 5-12) with complex needs and/or challenging behaviour.

Arran Villa Care Home is an early intervention residential service for up to five at risk children. It has been developed to meet the increasing number of referrals for younger children with needs that are best met within a smaller children’s home service. The safe, secure and friendly environment at Arran Villa aims to ease transition to foster care, supporting the children in their foster care placements.
At Arran Villa Care Home, we want the children to develop trusting relationships and to support this; we have a high staff to child ratio. This ensures each child receives highly personalised and focused support, tailored to their individual needs. The children are offered additional support services including; integrated educationSpecialist Intervention Servicesbefrienders and Family Respite Care services.

If you would like further information, please contact Kay Gibson, Operations Manager on 0141 889 0044. To make a referral, please visit our referrals page.

Posted: July 15, 2015

Kibble staff were delighted to welcome Deputy Chief Constable Rose Fitzpatrick of Police Scotland on a recent visit to learn how Kibble is helping build safer communities.

Deputy Chief Constable Fitzpatrick is the Building Safer Communities Champion for Ferguslie Park, and in her blog ‘An Enterprise of Hope and Opportunity’, she praised Kibble staff for guiding young people through uncertainty to “hope and opportunity”, as well as being valuable role models in young people’s lives and the wider community.

Kibble has a strong community connection and continues to strengthen its services for young people with complex needs and/or challenging behaviour. KibbleWorks, a Youth Employment and Training Facility is equipping young people with vital skills and recognised qualifications to open up greater employment opportunities, while supporting the local community. Young people learn new skills from; furniture restoration to catering; gardening and landscaping to picture framing. Work plans are tailored to individual needs, giving each person the skills and confidence to enter the job market, while aiding the transition from living in care to living independently.

The latest development from Kibble is The Experience – a 5-star themed entertainment and events venue that’s attracted much excitement in the local community. The large go-karting and laser complex, based at Hillington Park, is a social enterprise providing employment and training opportunities for disadvantaged young adults, equipping them with vital skills in leisure and hospitality – all in a fun, fast-paced environment!

“The overriding impression is that the project is genuinely equipping young people for life with qualifications and experience that will be credible with businesses and therefore transferable in the long term” and “This is real nuts and bolts social enterprise at its very best”.
Building Safer Communities Board Member, Police Scotland

The Experience also features The Academy restaurant where high-quality food is deliciously prepared using fresh local produce, many of which have been grown in their community garden.

One Building Safer Communities Board member described Kibble as:

“A new inspirational model for lifting young people with more difficult and deprived backgrounds out of a hopeless situation into training, employment and a sense of achievement and self-confidence”.

Read the blog by Deputy Chief Constable Rose Fitzpatrick on the Building Safer Communities website.

Posted: July 10, 2015

Kibble Education and Care Centre collected two awards at the first annual Supplier Excellence Awards held by Scotland Excel, the centre of procurement expertise for the local government sector in Scotland.  Scotland Excel is a non-profit making organisation, funded by all 32 local authorities, and was established in 2008 to work collaboratively with members and suppliers to raise procurement standards, secure best value for customers and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector procurement in Scotland.

Kibble was successful in the Excellence in the Communities and Excellence in Innovation categories for our work in delivering secure care places for young people aged between 12 and 18. Our holistic approach integrates wider community services, including education, employment and training services, to improve the life chances of the young people in our care.

The Supplier Excellence Awards is the first programme of its kind in public procurement, and honours suppliers who demonstrate excellence through their participation in Scotland Excel’s national framework contracts which are worth nearly £700 million per annum.

James Gillespie, Head of Service – Safe Centre for Kibble said: “From the outset Kibble has always been a forward thinking organisation, continually striving to develop and adapt to meet the ever changing needs of the young people we serve.

“With deep roots in the local community, we are well aware of the importance of encouraging young people to actively engage and integrate with society.

“To have received not one but two awards, is recognition of Kibble’s commitment to the young people we support on a daily basis and the continued dedication of our staff.”

Councillor Mike Holmes, Convener of Scotland Excel and Depute Leader of Renfrewshire Council, added: “Kibble Education and Care Centre’s holistic and innovative approach demonstrates their commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable young people through education, work experience and support services tailored to their needs.”

A judging panel of 17 procurement experts, elected members and industry representatives from across Scotland were involved in shortlisting the finalists.

A total of 61 entries were received from suppliers across the UK. Of these, 29 finalists were shortlisted to compete in seven award categories, which recognised both small to medium sized (SME) and large businesses.

Posted: June 26, 2015

Over the past few months young people at Kibble have enjoyed working in partnership with Who Cares? Scotland on a number of very successful creative projects. The latest emotion fuelled performance premiered at the Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care’s 2015 Steps To Success conference at the Central Hotel in Glasgow earlier this month.

Based on the theme of ‘transitions’, Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair worked with performers Michael Fowler and Dylan Todd from Kibble, and young people from the drama group at Who Cares? Scotland to produce three diverse 15 minute plays about life in care.  Two had very positive outcomes and the final highlighted areas for improvement across the sector.

Andy Naylor, Service Manager at Kibble’s Clyde Intensive Support Unit said: “I found the piece absolutely moving. It reflected the emotional pain that can sometimes be invisible with young people and demonstrated that they cope, day-to-day, with this invisible pain. We must remember this as Child and Youth Care Workers and significant individuals in these young people’s lives. Validating and supporting appropriately is essential when responding to the presenting behaviours in the young person’s life space.”

The group of young actors worked tirelessly together in the weeks leading up to the premier and benefited from the coaching of Scottish actor Josh Whitelaw during rehearsals.  Their hard work paid off as they received a standing ovation at the end of the performance from a 300 strong audience.

Kibble’s contribution didn’t end there, on the second day of the conference Gavin Sinclair along with Who Cares? Scotland delivered a practical workshop on the same theme.  Young people were also in attendance to ensure their voice was being heard.  The exercises within the workshop were designed to look at the importance of a strong relationship and continuity of care, highlighting how uncomfortable unfamiliar situations can be, and demonstrating the ways in which feelings change during the process of transition.

Gavin explained: “I created drama and acting exercises that would be used with professional actors to stimulate feelings and emotions that replicate those of a young person in transition, similar to method acting. The delegates certainly reacted as I had planned and seemed to gain a lot from the workshop. It certainly got them thinking and talking. I was really pleased with how it went.”

Watch out for the next exciting instalment from this creative partnership!

Posted: June 19, 2015

2014 was another busy year for Kibble as we continued to strengthen our provision for the young people that use our service and it’s all documented in our latest Annual Review.  We celebrated milestone birthdays; Intensive Fostering Services and KibbleWorks, our collective of youth training and employment enterprises, reached the ripe old age of ten.  Kibble’s latest venture The Experience, a themed entertainment and events venue, also a social enterprise, opened its doors to the public for the first time.

We are always very proud of the achievements of our young people; and 2014 was no exception with many playing an active role in community life, and participating in charity and fundraising events.  We had two baton bearers in the Commonwealth Games, 66 pupils achieved 297 SQA units across 29 different subject areas, and caring pupils spent over 2000 hours volunteering at primary schools, care homes and community projects.

2015 is shaping up to be equally as exciting, as we commemorate 175 years since Miss Elizabeth Kibble wrote her Last Will and Testament, ultimately laying the foundations for Kibble.  The Experience continues to go from strength to strength and in addition to housing Scotland’s only electric indoor Go-karting Arena and The Academy restaurant, it now also offers Laser Experience, a giant Slot car track, a range of summer clubs, the Karting with a Conscience programme, and a variety of events and party spaces. It has just been awarded the prestigious 5 Star Quality Assurance grading from VisitScotland, presented to venues which they rate as exceptional. The Academy restaurant also received the VisitScotland Taste our Best award recognising a delicious menu using locally sourced, fresh seasonal produce.

During the summer Intensive Fostering Services will open Arran Villa Care Home in Largs. It will provide an early intervention service for up to five at risk children (age 5 – 12) who present challenging behaviour. Kibble will also continue to grow its school service for younger children with the addition of Garnock Lodge Primary School.

Read more about our 2014 highlights by downloading a copy of our annual review or contact Kibble on 0141 889 0044 for a paper copy.

Posted: June 15, 2015

Kibble welcomed young people from the Listen2Us Project in Dumfries, and Who Cares? Scotland as they put their collective heads together to craft some amazing sculptures.  The organisations met at the recent ‘Who Cares? Scotland Time to [act]: Care Can Be Phenomenal’ event and it became clear there was an abundance of artistic talent that needed to be explored further.

Kibble’s Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair explained: “When I met the Listen2Us Project group it was obvious that they were keen to be involved in the Care 2 Create event. We quickly organised a weekend class and it was a real success. It just shows what can be achieved when we just go for it. Well done to everyone involved.”

Young people spent the morning designing huge sculptures on the theme of ‘inspirations’.  Finished sculptures included a star, a hot air balloon and even Sponge Bob!  The impressive artwork will be displayed at the Care 2 Create event on the 18th of June at BAad in Glasgow.  The group have also put their literacy ingenuity to the test and penned poems for the forthcoming event.

Care 2 Create is delivered in collaboration with Kibble, Who Cares? Scotland and various community partnerships.  It has helped over 50 young people to learn new skills, improve their confidence, engage in the arts and widen achievement.  The Care 2 Create event is free and will celebrate care experienced young people coming together through the creative arts.  The evening will showcase a diverse range of artistic talent and will include textiles, jewellery, painting, sculptures, murals and other visual arts mediums, live DJ sets, animation installations, free running, drumming and musical performances.

Although the event is free, you need to register to attend.  If you want an evening of guaranteed entertainment and inspiration, follow the link below to book your space.

Register now for Care 2 Create

Posted: June 5, 2015

Kibble creatives joined forces with Who Cares? Scotland to entertain delegates at the recent Time to [act]: Care Can Be Phenomenal event with an original play, ’Do You Want A Complaints Form, Son?’ Taking a humorous look at relationships in the care system, the play generated thought provoking discussion and raised questions for the audience to take back to their organisations.  Kibble’s Creative Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair, pupils Leanne McCormack and Michael Fowler, and the Who Cares? Scotland talent performed to a packed audience twice during the event and received rapturous applause.  One group of care professionals was so impressed they asked to use the script within their own organisation in Northern Ireland.

David Baird, Kibble’s Executive Director – Fostering and Community-based Services, was in attendance and commented: “The play was very well received with the audience unanimously rating it as very good/excellent.  I think it would be worth presenting it to care staff to help them reflect on how they could review the language they use and the structures that exist to make them less institutionalised and more child-centred.”

The event was organised by Who Cares? Scotland, with support from the Scottish Government, the Life Changes TrustRenfrewshire Council, and University of The West of Scotland.  Delegates were given the opportunity to join workshops and share their views on the themes of rights, responsibilities, and relationships.  Speakers included representatives from Renfrewshire Council, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young PeopleNUS Scotland, and Alumni of Scottish Care Leavers. Contributor Laura Beveridge touched the hearts of the audience when she shared her experience of growing up in care.

It was a great opportunity for young people and professionals to network; we look forward to the next event!

Posted: June 3, 2015

Young people at Kibble played a key role in the production of a short film depicting life in the Safe Centre. Our Secure Services provide a nurturing and secure environment for young people (12-18) at risk of harming themselves or others. Jim Gillespie, Head of Service – Safe Centre, explained: “Young people are referred to Kibble at a point of crisis in their life and we aim to provide them with a sense of hope and aspiration.”

The feature was filmed by Newshot Productions and was produced/directed by Kibble’s Creative Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair.  In order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of Kibble young people, actors from the HNC Acting and Performance course at West College Scotland star in the film.  To ensure an accurate portrayal of Safe Centre life, young people gave the actors direction on what to say and how to convey their message.  Prior to filming, the actors were given a tour of the Centre and talked to young people and staff to gain insight into everyday life. The film captures the ethos of the Safe Centre and covers a vast range of topics such as aspirations and ambitions of young people, encouraging favourable behaviour, education, accommodation, social life, and making the transition from the Safe Centre to a positive destination.

The Safe Centre opened in 2007 and aims to instil in young people a sense of possibility, showing them their life can be very different from the life that led them to the Centre. Kibble’s Secure Services are integrated with all of Kibble’s other services, which means young people have a care plan that combines their education, access to our Specialist Intervention Services and if appropriate access to Employment and Training Services.

Check out the film below for a fascinating insight into Safe Centre life.

Posted: May 29, 2015

Chief executive of Kibble Education and Care Centre, Graham Bell attended a special event at Sir Winston Churchill’s birthplace of Blenheim Palace, on Wednesday 27th May, to mark the 50th anniversary of his living legacy – The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (WCMT), and 50 years since his passing.

Graham went on his Churchill Travelling Fellowship in 2002 to America and Canada to research fostering, adoption and residential care of children.  Since then Kibble has launched its Intensive Fostering Services and improved its residential care services.

Over 1000 Fellows and their guests, from every decade since 1965 attended the day, which was hosted by the Duke of Marlborough’s sister – Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, who is herself a generational cousin of Sir Winston, and a member of the WCMT Advisory Council.

Members of the Churchill family, including Sir Winston’s grandson Jeremy Soames; and his great-grandson, Randolph, were also present; as well as many of the Trustees and Advisory Council from the WCMT.

Highlights of the day included presentations given by Fellows from 1968 to 2014, about how their Fellowship has shaped their lives and careers. Internationally acclaimed Churchill experts, including historian Sir David Cannedine, also gave talks.

The special day was rounded off with a spectacular Spitfire Display, followed by Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill and Randolph Churchill taking the salute at a Beating Retreat given by a marching band.

Graham said: “One of Kibble’s most recent employment training and job creation projects has been The Experience, a themed entertainment and events venue in the former Rolls Royce factory, in Hillington, which made the Merlin engines for Spitfire planes.  The transformation to youth employment, learning and leisure centre ensures the preservation of this iconic building.

“It was very moving to stand in the grounds of Blenheim Palace and watch the Spitfire fly-past.  The Merlin engines made in Hillington contributed significantly to the war effort and I am proud of this historic link.”

Fellows from the South West Association of the WCMT also presented Lady Henrietta with one of Britain’s rarest plants, the Plymouth pear tree, to be planted in the grounds of Blenheim Palace.

Since 1965, over 5000 British citizens have been awarded Churchill Fellowships, from over 100,000 applicants, to travel overseas to study areas of topical and personal interest. The knowledge and innovative ideas they bring back are widely shared, for the benefit of their profession, their community, and, in lots of cases, the nation. For many people a Churchill Fellowship proves transformational, and they go on to achieve great things – effecting positive change within society.

To mark its half century, The Trust has awarded a record number of 150 Travelling Fellowships in 2015 – investing over £1.3m in British citizens. This year’s Fellows will travel to 58 countries between them, across six continents, where they will carry out a wide range of projects. The average length of a Fellowship is 6 weeks.

Many events are being held throughout the year to celebrate Sir Winston’s life and legacy.

“It is fitting to hold our 50th anniversary event at Blenheim Palace, and to come together with hundreds of Fellows from across the past 5 decades, to celebrate the life of this great leader. Sir Winston’s legacy lives on through our Fellows – individuals who, like him, have vision, leadership, a passion with a purpose, and a commitment to help their fellow citizens” says Jamie Balfour, Director General of The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

For further information please contact:
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust on 020 7799 1660

Churchill 2015

‘Churchill 2015’ is a unique international celebration of the life and legacy of Sir Winston Churchill, fifty years after his death. Churchill-related activity will take place around the world to commemorate his achievements, to highlight his vibrant existing legacy, to promote a range of educational opportunities and to bring his life and work to new audiences. Churchill 2015 follows three main themes: Commemoration, to mark this important anniversary appropriately; Education, to engage and inspire future generations; and Legacy, to highlight, develop and enhance the existing work of Churchill organisations in delivering programmes focusing on leadership, debate and public speaking. Churchill 2015 is being led by an alliance of those charities and institutions with an interest in the life or legacy of Sir Winston. For a list of partners and planned activity see