Kibble Admin, Author at Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity - Page 29 of 33
Posted: December 11, 2015

THE curtain is up on this year’s panto ‘McCinders’ performed by young people from Kibble alongside VIP guest, actor Jasmin Riggins, star of the award-winning film Angel’s Share.

McCinders, performing on the 9th and 10th December, is a hilarious Scottish take on the children’s classic Cinderella. It follows the story of how an innocent daughter’s life is turned upside down after her lonely father finds love on the internet. The impositions of the evil step sisters, Fran and Anna, make for a highly entertaining, satirical Scottish version on the original fairy-tale.

After months of rehearsals, costume calls, make-up trials and lots of laughter! The stage is set and the camera is rolling! It’s clear there are a lot of future stars in Kibble as our young actors and actresses have left audience with “sore faces from laughing so loudly”.

Famed actress Jasmin Riggins, 23, took time out of her busy acting schedule to star in the play, along with fellow student as part of their acting studies with West College Scotland.

Speaking ahead of the performance, Jasmin said:

“I love pantomimes, they are always great fun and put me in the mood for Christmas. I jumped at the chance to get involved at Kibble this year because it will be great experience for me and my classmates.

“I have worked on a short film with staff from Kibble before so I know all about the important work that they do on campus with the youngsters. McCinders is just one part of that, and acting alongside the kids will benefit them as well.”

Starring as the evil stepsister Anna in the panto, Creative Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair said:

“I just want to thank Jasmin and all the students from West College Scotland. Their input has been vital in helping the Kibble youngsters put on such an impressive show.

“The confident, capable performances don’t just happen and weeks of hard work allow the boys and girls to conquer their nerves and deliver in front of a packed audience. When it all comes together like it did this evening you can’t help but feel incredibly proud of this school.”

Posted: December 10, 2015

Youngsters host car wash for Teenage Cancer Trust

CHILDREN and young people at Kibble Education and Care Centre (KECC) were this week recognised for their fundraising efforts to help teenagers diagnosed with cancer. The Teenage Cancer Trust received the donation after staff and pupils had organised and hosted a car wash at the school, raising £131.60.

Pupils were also given a potentially lifesaving talk about the symptoms and causes of the disease before the cheque was officially presented. Vanessa Todd of the Teenage Cancer Trust said:

“I want to thank the young people of Kibble for their hard work in putting on this event. We can only continue our important work because of generosity like theirs.

“Hosting a carwash is a fun way to get as many people from the community involved. All the money they raised will help another young person who is coming to terms with their illness, and to help them in their recovery.”

Before the cheque was handed over, Vanessa took the opportunity to teach the pupils about what the Teenage Cancer Trust do, as well as showing a video of the experiences of young people who have fought the illness. Statistics show that every day in the UK, 7 people between 13 and 24 years old are diagnosed with cancer.

Head Teacher Neil Govan said:

“Despite the weather, the kids were in great spirits and did a fantastic job on cleaning the cars. Some of the youngsters also sold raffle tickets and collected donations.

“Events like this are an important part of their learning whilst attending Kibble, but it is also wonderful when we can raise money for a good cause. I want to pay tribute to all of the hard work that the pupils and staff put into the event.”

Posted: November 30, 2015

LOCAL Police joined forces with young people from Kibble Education and Care Centre to give a hard-hitting talk about the dangers facing young learner drivers when they get behind the wheel. The talk, which took place at The Experience, Kibble’s largest social enterprise in Hillington Park, was also attended by members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Scottish Ambulance Service.

After the talk, the young people got the opportunity to test their driving skills on The Experience’s indoor go-kart track, joined by the highly trained and experienced Traffic Division of Police Scotland.

Recent statistics show that road deaths have increased in the past year despite a long term trend of a reduction. Drivers and motor cyclists between the age of 17 and 19 are involved in 12% of all of the fatal crashes in the UK, despite being just 1.5% of the licence holders.

PC Gregor MacPherson from the Community Policing Team in Paisley said:

“We are focussing particularly on younger drivers since we know that they are a vulnerable road user group. Many of the young people attending are approaching the age at which they can access a provisional licence for a car or 50cc motorbike.

“There is a serious theme about being safe on the roads, but we also want to make the day entertaining and engaging. Having the event at The Experience will reinforce the message that youngsters can have fun with motor vehicles, but only when it is a safe and suitable environment like a go karting arena.

“The chance to race against the Traffic Police and other emergency services will hopefully be an experience the young people will never forget.”

Mark Robertson, Education Manager at Kibble, said:

“We are grateful to the 3 emergency services who will be represented on the day. Unfortunately they see the life changing consequences of inexperienced and over confident drivers far too often”.

“The aim of the day is to teach the young people in attendance that with the right to drive, there is a responsibility to stay safe. At Kibble we frequently work with partners such as the Police to help prepare our youngsters for adult life. This creative lesson will hopefully stay with them for a long time.”

Posted: November 6, 2015

Kibble Band talent spotted to perform at special event

THE Who Cares? Scotland ‘Time to Shine’ Festival was treated to a musical performance by a group of local youngsters with experience of the care system. The Kibble Band played in front of nearly 100 people attending the event last week (Saturday, 31st October) in Community Central Halls, Glasgow.

The Kibble Band is made up of 4 young people who attend Kibble Education and Care Centre in Paisley. They were joined on stage by their music teacher Chris McDonald and classroom support worker Neil McGonagle. The Band was asked to play at the annual ‘Time to Shine’ Festival after being spotted impressing the audience at their own school’s variety show.

Speaking after the event, Arts Development Officer at Kibble Education and Care Centre, Gavin Sinclair said

“The work of Who Cares? Scotland in putting on the festival is important to anyone who has experienced the care system. The Kibble Band are an exceptionally talented bunch of youngsters, so to be asked to perform at ‘Time to Shine’ is a great privilege.

“Our aim at Kibble is to give all of the young people in our care the opportunity to flourish. Music is just one of those ways, and the chance to perform in front of so many people can make a huge difference to someone’s confidence.”

As well as having the Kibble Band perform, youngsters were treated to the genuine back stage experience of being a band on tour. Different tasks such as unloading and loading the van with equipment, setting up the PA system and completing sound checks made the whole day as realistic as possible.

Adding authenticity to the Rock and Roll adventures were the pupils of Kibble TV who recorded the entire performance. Students will use the footage recorded at the event as part of their formal studies in class.

For further information or comment contact Martin McElroy, 07944856796,

Posted: October 14, 2015

SINGING, dancing, film making, poetry and drumming were all on the programme as the young people of Kibble Education and Care Centre showcased their talents. The acts were part of the annual ‘Kibble Allsorts’ variety show performed in front of a packed audience at The Gannochy Centre for Expressive Arts on the Kibble campus.

Special guests from West College Scotland dancers, Listen2Us and Who Cares? Scotland also impressed. The newly reformed Kibble Band, along with other Kibble youngsters made the show a triumph.

‘Kibble Allsorts’ runs in conjunction with the Scottish Mental Health & Film Festival, and there are many more activities planned throughout the next few weeks in Renfrewshire and beyond.

Speaking after the event, Creative Arts Development Officer Gavin Sinclair said:

“Everyone worked tirelessly to put on such a fantastic evening. The young people learn and develop new skills and confidence throughout the whole process of putting on the variety show.

“From the ICT Class making the short film, the Art Class preparing for the exhibition, or the many hours of practice that our musicians dedicated to making the live performances such a success – I want to pay tribute to all of them.”

Head Teacher of Kibble Education and Care Centre, Neil Govan, said:

“Yet another fantastic evening showcasing the talent this school has to offer. I thought the performances were outstanding – the sheer quality shone through. What’s less easy to appreciate is the skilful, thoughtful support that brings the youngsters to this point.

“The confident, capable performances don’t just happen and weeks of hard work allow the boys and girls to conquer their nerves and deliver in front of a packed audience. When it all comes together like it did this evening one can’t help but feel incredibly proud of this school.”

Posted: October 12, 2015

KIBBLE Education and Care Centre were celebrating this week (6th October) after being highly commended for their innovative model for providing integrated care, education and employability services. The accolade was given in the ‘Best Service’ category at the prestigious GO Awards Scotland 2015/16 at a ceremony dinner in Glasgow.

The awards are the highlight of Procurex Scotland Live 2015, The Scottish Government’s annual procurement conference. This year, over 1200 delegates and special guests attended the SECC to learn about best practice and innovation in public sector procurement.

Kibble was given the prize after judges were impressed by Kibble’s innovative integrated service model which achieved improved outcomes for looked-after young people.

Jim Gillespie, Head of Service – Safe Centre, said:

“It is great for the staff to be recognised for their hard work. These national awards really are the benchmark for public sector organisations. We are leading the way with our integrated approach to service delivery.

“The team at Kibble are dedicated to helping disadvantaged young people and to be formally recognised in this way is a real privilege.”

Kibble Education and Care Centre was founded in 1859 after a wealthy Paisley textile heiress, Elizabeth Kibble, left a portion of her will to establish a home for “youthful offenders”. The organisation has grown to become Scotland’s leading organisation for providing care, training, education and employment opportunities to young people most removed from mainstream education.

Chief Executive, Graham Bell, said:

“Our staff work tirelessly to help the young people in our care, and it is an honour for Kibble to be recognised at a national award ceremony in this way.

“Whilst we remain committed to our original charitable mission, we will continue to ensure that our services are designed and delivered to meet the needs of the twenty first century.

Posted: September 21, 2015

As part of the upcoming Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival, running from 10-31 October, young people at Kibble are showing off their creative talents to help promote positive mental health and well-being.

In one artistic project, three of our young people are busy crafting a large banner to go on public display at Paisley Gilmour St station. As part of the Paisley Poetry Trail, the banner will be exhibited from Monday 5 October until the end of the month. The theme for this year’s banner is ‘Passionate about Paisley’ and using a variety of mediums and techniques, the young people are creating a banner based on Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”. The banner will also feature inspirational words and quotes alongside it and young people from our Safe Centre have helped out by providing words and quotes that inspire them.

As part of the Festival, Kibble is also presenting Kibble Allsorts on Wednesday 7 October at 7pm. This is an evening showcase of live music, dance, film and other surprises. Taking place at Kibble’s Gannochy Trust Centre for Expressive Arts, the evening will have performances from the Kibble Band, poetry reading from the Listen 2 Us Group, and dance from West College Scotland students. All performances will reflect the theme of the evening, emotional wellbeing. Who Cares? Scotland will be offering their support on the evening and be available to talk to anyone interested in finding out more about their organisation.

The Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is one of Scotland’s most diverse cultural events. Attended by over 20,000 people, the Festival takes place in venues across Scotland and features; music, film, visual art, theatre, dance and literature. Now in its ninth year, the Festival supports the arts, and challenges preconceived ideas about mental health. It celebrates the artistic achievements of those with experience of mental health, the link between creativity and the mind, and promotes positive mental health and well-being.

Be sure to check out our banner as it sits pride of place at Paisley Gilmour St. Station on Monday 5 October. There will be an official launch on Friday 9 October and a trail on Friday 16 October that will visit all locations with banners in Paisley.

And, for a fun night out that’s guaranteed to get your toes tapping and hands clapping, please also come along to the Kibble Allsorts free concert on Wednesday 7 October at 7pm at Kibble Education and Care Centre, Goudie St Paisley, PA3 2LG. Doors open 6.30pm for a 7pm start. For details, please email We look forward to welcoming you!

Posted: September 16, 2015

Hairmyres Hospital nurses were joined by foster carers and friends last Saturday as they battled through mud, water, fire and ice in Total Warrior 2015! 

The arduous team of nurses, known as the Hairmyres Hurricanes raised a staggering £800 to support Kibble’s Intensive Fostering Services (IFS), with donations still rising. The 9 strong team saw Jennifer Tait, Leah Proud, Lauren Frew, Lauryn Kennan and Lindsay Dingwall take on 30 punishing obstacles in the 10k race, along with foster carers Alec McGhee, Morag MacLean and friends Gemma and Gael Selkirk. The warriors endured being stung by electricity, jumping over fire, crawling under barbed wire, trawling through waist-deep mud and swimming through ice-cold water, all in aid of Kibble.

Jennifer Tait (26) said: “It was very physically and mentally challenging, definitely more than we had prepared for; pushing each other over obstacles and pulling each other out of mud whilst losing our shoes in the mud, that was the worst. In every photo, however, we’re all laughing.”

For the Hairmyres Hurricanes, Kibble was a charity close to their hearts as Alec and Morag, who took part in the event, provide intensive fostering for children. According to Jennifer “we all see the amazing difference this makes to children who have had very little, taken into a loving, warm home”.

With over £800 raised, the group are hoping to smash their £1000 target with the money being put towards refurbishing the games room within Kibble’s Intensive Fostering Services, including buying new games, toys and books. Children and young people use the games room to relax while attending the unit for meetings with families, carers and social workers.

“We asked the kids what they would want to do with the money we raised. They have a room where they go to relax, be children and meet their families for supervised visits and it’s in need of some TLC so that’s what we’re going to do.” Jennifer Tait.

John McHale, IFS service manager at Kibble said:“We’re totally overwhelmed by the generosity and support from Jennifer, fellow warriors, and all of those who kindly donated. This will make a huge difference to children and young people in our care by giving them a newly re-furbished games room with lots of new toys, games and books for them to enjoy.”

If you’d like to donate, please visit the Hairmyres Hurricane’s JustGiving page. Text donations can be made by texting HMHC99 £10 (or other amount) to 70070.

Posted: September 2, 2015

Kibble is committed to the safety and protection of all of the young people whom we support.  Our recent inspection reports have highlighted regularly that young people feel safe with us.  We are conscious, however, of the concerns discussed nationally regarding the historical abuse of young people in care and have participated actively in these discussions in order to continue to reflect on how best to support young people in the future.  There may be young people who have left Kibble who would wish to raise issues or concerns about their time here.  We are happy to offer support or should they wish, they could contact the organisation set up nationally to listen to the experiences of anyone who has been in institutional care when they were a child.  This organisation is called The National Confidential Forum and their contact details are noted below.

Freephone no: 0800 121 4773
Office phone no: 0141 352 2333
Email to:

Post to:
PO BOX 27122

Posted: September 1, 2015

On Friday 21 August, The Experience played host to a spectacular Charity Dinner in aid of the Beatson Cancer Charity. The dinner was a huge success and raised £7900 for the charity.

A great evening was had by all as over 100 guests gathered for an evening of powerful and moving speeches, delicious food, a fun auction and great conversations!

The Beatson Cancer Charity raises funds to enhance the treatment, outcome, experience and well-being of both patients diagnosed with cancer and their families. They provide vital support as well as raise funds for specialised posts including; nursing, radiography, physics, and research-based staff. Money also goes towards enhanced medical equipment, innovative service developments, unique research projects and educational initiatives.

The Academy restaurant was transformed into a dining extravaganza as in-house Interior Designer Sharon Kane used a nature theme to signify new life. Taking inspiration from the Beatson, motivational quotes were placed around the venue, and beautiful fresh yellow flowers adorned every table.

The night kicked off with a drinks reception in The Academy where guests were welcomed with a glass of bubbly. The first speech was given by Kibble’s CEO, Graham Bell who welcomed guests to the venue and introduced Maureen Thomson from the Beatson. Maureen delivered a heart-warming and though-provoking speech, asking everyone in the room to stand up. She then asked everyone who had been affected by cancer, or knew someone who had, to sit back down. Not one person was left standing. The room was left in silence for the remainder of Maureen’s speech where everyone listened to the great work Beatson are doing in their mission to beat cancer. The final speech of the evening was given by Donald Munro, our Executive Chef and the reason behind this event. During the development of The Experience, Donald was diagnosed with cancer. Donald wanted to organise an event to raise money for the Beatson Cancer Charity. This event was a great way for Donald to give something back to the Beatson and to showcase The Experience as an events venue.

Donald worked in the kitchen during the event alongside The Experience Chefs and visiting Chefs, Robert Lintott and Stewart Jarvie, to prepare a delicious meal for the guests. After dinner, the auction and raffle took place. The auction was a huge success and everybody got involved in the fun. All auction and raffle prizes were very kindly donated to us. A special thanks goes to John Ferguson of SCVO who ran the auction and managed to get everyone to dig deep.

The night was a great success and we were delighted to raise funds for such a deserving cause!