Kibble Admin, Author at Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity - Page 26 of 33
Posted: September 14, 2017

Social enterprise Doggy Chillin brought along an excitable 4-legged dog ‘Jenna’  to our school’s special assembly. Pupils were taught an invaluable lesson on how to be safe around dogs and to better understand their behaviours.

Doggy Chillin is a Paisley based social enterprise set up by qualified dog whisperer Colum Scriven alongside Catherine Quinn, a former teacher, and Jim Glancy Durning, a qualified social worker. They have designed a series of courses which can be delivered in schools to enable young people to grow in confidence around dogs through a heightened appreciation for their nature.

While the teenage pupils weren’t quite as bright eyed and bushy-tailed as Jenna the dog first thing in the morning, they loved the opportunity to learn more about the animal’s behaviours. This type of learning is particularly valuable for young people at Kibble, as many have a history of trauma or neglect. As a result, some pupils can find it difficult to engage in traditional methods of learning. By safely introduced dogs to this learning environment, the focus is shifted from the pupil to the dog and this can have a positive impact on their educational development.

Of course, dogs are no strangers to Kibble’s campus! One of our Duty Managers Maggie Ramsey brings dog Jasper to work with her regularly and the pupils adore him.  He’s forever racing around campus at 100mph lapping up the attention of young people and the care team.

Jenna the dog with staff from Doggy Chillin.
Posted: September 8, 2017

KibbleWorks has received support to help young people gain skills for the construction trade. Toolstation made the £1000 donation from the money generated by the 5p carrier bag charge at their stores across Scotland.

The state of the art tools purchased from the money have allowed young people to learn about joinery and mechanics. KibbleWorks in McKean Street operates an exciting and diverse range of vocational programmes aimed at young people who may have felt challenged or out of place in a mainstream educational environment.

Eileen Cummings, Head of Young Workforce Development at KibbleWorks, said:

“Kibbleworks are really grateful to Toolstation for their continued support and generous donation to assist in helping young people in Paisley and surrounding areas gain qualifications and experience in the construction industry.”

Graeme Boyd, regional manager at Toolstation for the area including Paisley, said:

“We’re very pleased to be able to donate to charities such as KibbleWorks, which is located close to several of our branches. The work they all do in providing practical training, qualifications and support in construction skills to disadvantaged young people across the country not only makes a huge difference to individuals and communities, but also helps the industry benefit from new and enthusiastic talent at a time when skills shortages in the construction trade are growing.”

Posted: July 17, 2017

A volunteering scheme that lets retired and semi-retired people give something back to the community is looking for new recruits. The Charity Experience, based at The Experience in Hillington Park, gives local groups and charities the opportunity to use the state of the art go karting and conference facilities at a discounted rate and is run in partnership with local volunteers.

Last year over 23 million adults in the UK volunteered their time for charities. Recent studies have shown that volunteering can increase mental and physical wellbeing as well as reducing social isolation.

The rewarding roles include karting assistance, music & drama, photography, arts, crafts, and much more. The latest recruits might be more use to a bus pass than a go-kart, but they accepted a challenge to race each other in a contest of the ‘geri-kartrics’. After the grand prix, they took some time to help explain why they wanted to get more involved with The Charity Experience.

Alex Young (65) from Beith, and Hugh Gilmour (64) from Houston, joined retired Chief Executive of Kibble Graham Bell (63) for the race at The Experience, proving that age is no barrier when it comes to taking part in the action. Alex is a retired engineer and started volunteering through the The Spiers Trust, a local charity that helps families in financial difficulty. He said:

“Now that I have a bit more time on my hands, I feel that it is good to give something back to the community. The Charity Experience is a fantastic example of local groups being able to access exciting activities that they might not otherwise enjoy.

“My advice to anyone who wants to get involved? Do it! It is a thoroughly rewarding experience.”

Hugh is the retired Managing Director of famous Renfrewshire leather company W.J. & W. Lang. This was the first time that he had raced in a go-kart, but he enjoyed the full work-out followed by a tasty bacon roll from the Experience café. He said:

“It is amazing how physical driving a go-kart can be. No wonder the F1 guys are in top condition.”

Speaking about becoming a volunteer at The Charity Experience, he added:

“The range of opportunities are incredible. Whether people have mechanical, catering or other skills, there are roles for all types of schedule and abilities.”

The race finished with Alex Young taking top spot with Graham Bell and Hugh Gilmour in second and third respectively. Retired Chief Executive of Kibble Graham Bell said:

“We know people volunteer for a whole number of reasons, whether it is to enhance their CV, to meet new people, or to give something back to the community. With our Charity Experience, volunteering with us can do all of this and more.

“The Experience is such an exciting venue that we want to make it accessible for as many charity and community groups as possible. With the help of volunteering, we are dedicated to removing barriers and providing opportunities for all.”

To find out more about volunteering as part of the Charity Experience, email or call 0141 883 4005.

Posted: July 3, 2017

Kibble has achieved the prestigious Investors in People Gold Accreditation, the most successful framework for business improvement through people in the UK.

This represents a true commitment to employees and demonstrates a solid foundation of good practice which remains challenging and aspirational for many organisations.

Achieving the Gold level of Accreditation puts Kibble in the top 7% of all IIP Accredited clients. Kibble joins an exclusive group of UK employers eligible to use and display the sought after Investors in People logo and plaque, and enjoy its benefits.

Jim Gillespie, Chief Executive of Kibble, said:

“We are proud as an organisation to be honoured in this way. At Kibble, we look after some of the most vulnerable young people in the country and it takes dedicated staff to achieve better outcomes for them.

“By continuing to invest in our staff, we can provide the specialist care services that can give young people a brighter future.”

Peter Russian, Chief Executive of Investors in People Scotland, said:

“This is a fantastic achievement for Kibble. I would like to congratulate the organisation and its people on their commitment to continuous improvement. Investors in People offers a flexible, practical and easy to use business improvement tool designed to help organisations and their people achieve their objectives. I hope that more organisations in the area will be encouraged to sharpen their competitive edge by choosing to work with us.”

Posted: June 20, 2017

Young people at Kibble Education and Care Centre were given the chance to find out first-hand what it takes to live and work in space this week. American astronaut Steve Swanson was visiting The Experience in Hillington Park as part of his ‘Mission Discovery’ tour of Scotland.

Mission Discovery is a summer school programme that aims to inspire young people to learn about science, technology, engineering and maths. The participants get to work with experienced astronauts and rocket scientists to produce science experiments that can be carried out in space.

Steve spoke to the young people about his life as an engineer before being selected to take part in several missions on the International Space Station. In total, he spent over 195 days in space and took part in 5 space walks. He said:

“It wasn’t until I was 25 that I decided that I wanted to become an astronaut. I was always trying to improve myself and to reach my next goal and to go into space seemed like that ultimate target.

“Everyone who works for NASA has a different background and they bring their skills together to help train astronauts for life in a completely different environment. Having zero gravity can make everyday tasks very difficult! But it is also a really fun place to be, almost like a playground.

“That’s what we are speaking to the young people about today. It is to encourage them to think about the different way in which you have to live and work in Space.”

Jim Gillespie, Chief Executive of Kibble Education and Care Centre said:

“To hear Steve talk about his time working for NASA has been a real privilege. I know the young people learnt a lot and posed a few difficult questions themselves about what it takes to be an astronaut.

“At Kibble we place a great deal of emphasis on preparing our young people for fulfilling adult lives. Opportunities to meet people like Steve will hopefully inspire these young people well into the future.”

Posted: May 23, 2017

Kibble Education and Care Centre have been given £5,000 by The Merchants House of Glasgow to help purchase state of the art equipment that will give young people the chance to gain vital new skills.

Once completed, the studio will have a laser cutter, specialist computers, drawing tables and other equipment. The new facilities will be used to encourage the study of technology and design subjects that can open up career paths into the creative industries.

Lord Dean of Guild from The Merchants House of Glasgow, John MacLeod, said:

“I am delighted to be able to back this project on behalf of Merchants House, Glasgow. Our Members have a long and proud tradition of supporting Glasgow’s communities.

“The new design studio will have a significant positive impact on the young people at Kibble.”

Jim Gillespie, Chief Executive of Kibble Education and Care Centre, said:

“At Kibble we care for some of the most vulnerable young people in the country. This support allows us to teach new skills, offer a wider range of subjects, and work towards qualifications that will lead to employment opportunities. We also want to try and encourage more girls to take up design and technology subjects.

“I would like to thank the Members of Merchants House Glasgow for their support. Their contribution will make a massive difference to the opportunities available to the young people in our care.”

Posted: May 1, 2017

Scotland’s only electric go-karting arena is in the running for a prestigious national award for its accessible karting and charitable programmes. Since opening in 2014, the leisure venue has been offering both mainstream and accessible motor sport at its Hillington Park arena.

The Experience has been shortlisted in the ‘Pioneering Project’ for its disabled access karting programme.  The programme allows people with limited mobility, learning difficulties, and others who have traditionally been excluded from motor sports the chance to take part through the use of specially designed karts.

All karts are driven by a dedicated Crew member, and enhanced toilet facilities, changing rooms and hoist help support and maximise the opportunities for people to enjoy the sport.

Lynsey McLean, General Manager at The Experience, said:

“It is a great privilege to be shortlisted for this national award. Now we need people to show their support and vote for us online.

“We work really hard as a team to make sure our visitors get the best service possible. Whether they are here to enjoy the electric go-karting, get something to eat at in the Academy Restaurant or attending a conference, our staff are the key to our success.”

The winners will be announced at a glamour awards ceremony in the EICC, Edinburgh on Thursday 22 June.

Posted: April 10, 2017

Kibble Education and Care Centre has been named “Best Service Provider” in the UK for its care and education services. They were given the accolade at the recent National Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence in Public Procurement Awards 2017/18, which were held in Manchester last month.

Public, private and third sector organisations from across the UK gathered to recognise excellence in public procurement and service delivery. Kibble was the only social enterprise to be named as a winner with judges impressed by the partnership working with public sector colleagues.

Neil Govan, Executive Director at Kibble Education and Care Centre, said:

“It is great that the hard work of our staff is being recognised across the UK. We work with some of the most vulnerable young people in the country and the quality of care we provide is down to the team’s dedication.

“Our award also shows that charities like Kibble are well equipped to provide good quality public services where no other organisation can. All our resources go into making a difference to the lives of the young people in our care.”

Grahame Steed, Chair of the National GO Awards Judging Panel, said:

“This was an absolutely huge night for public sector procurement and demonstrated once again the ground-breaking initiatives that procurement teams across the UK are producing on a regular basis.

“At a time when public sector budgets are being slashed and performances are under continued scrutiny, it’s a testament to the teams involved that their initiatives continue to save money and, in many cases, change people’s lives for the better.

“Well done to all involved!”

Posted: March 14, 2017

Kibble Education and Care Centre have been named one of Scotland’s Most Family Friendly Employers by leading organisation Family Friendly Working Scotland (FFWS) earlier this month (9th March). Kibble was shortlisted for the award of Best Third Sector Employer after impressing judges with their attitude towards promoting a family friendly culture.

The awards celebrate progressive organisations that recognise that family friendly and flexible working brings benefits to employees, while also delivering high performance and successful businesses.

Through family friendly working practices employers have found that they can achieve increased productivity and performance, reduced absenteeism, better morale and well-being, as well as improving staff retention and recruitment.

Jim Gillespie, Chief Executive Designate at Kibble, said:

“At Kibble we recognise the social and economic benefits of creating a family friendly workplace culture. We are committed to supporting family friendly policies and flexible working.

“This award is great recognition of our way of helping create a work life balance as well as delivering an important service to some of society’s most vulnerable young people.”

Sarah Jackson OBE, CEO Working Families, who chaired The Scottish Top Employers for Working Families judging panel, said:

“The quality of entries was exceptional this year and it is apparent that organisations of all sizes and sectors across Scotland are wholeheartedly embracing family friendly flexible working. There is a clear understanding of the benefits this brings to business, family life, society and the economy.

“Finalists demonstrate success and impact as a result of implementing a family friendly approach and there was also a deep understanding of the link between flexibility and high performance.”

Posted: February 20, 2017

Excited young lad from Kibble celebrated his birthday in style with a VIP tour of Rangers Football Ground.

The young rising star from our children’s residential care home celebrated his 10th birthday in true style, taking in the match from the director’s box, full stadium tour complete with Personal Assistant, met the players, and even took in the post-match press conference!

All the players spent time with the young person before the match and he got the opportunity of being flag bearer ahead of the game.

It was an unforgettable birthday and a memory that he will cherish for a long time. Big thanks to Rangers Football Team for making one young boy very happy!