Kibble Admin, Author at Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity - Page 13 of 33
Posted: April 7, 2022

Staff-in-Training Is Opening Soon for Applications

Soon, we will be recruiting for our Staff-in-Training course, which provides people with the opportunity to become a fully qualified Child and Youth Care Worker.

The essential requirement is a drive to make a difference. We are in-search of individuals who want to be a friendly, familiar face to children and young people.

“I recommend Kibble’s Staff-in-Training course. Earn while you learn with on-the-job training and great support and mentoring. The guidance I received helped me combine family time, working and studying for the HNC. I am now employed by Kibble as a full-time Child and Youth Care Worker. Go for it!”

Child and Youth Care Worker, Michele

Join Our Online Recruitment Sessions

Find out more about our Child and Youth Care Worker Staff-in-Training course by joining us for a virtual information session. Send your preferred timeslot and receive a link to the session by emailing:

  • Wednesday 20th April | 12.30 – 13.30
  • Wednesday 20th April | 19.00 – 20.00
  • Wednesday 27th April | 12.30 – 13.30
  • Wednesday 27th April | 19.00 – 20.00

Watch Our Video

Find out about the role directly from our Child and Youth Care Worker Jim. As Kibble cares for children and young people aged between five – 26-years-old, our Child and Youth Care Worker role can offer the opportunity of job variety.

Posted: April 5, 2022

Young people at Kibble alongside teachers took part in the innovative theatre programme ‘BROAD’ at The Tramway in Glasgow alongside Scottish Ballet.

The immersive programme, co-designed by arts organisations Company Chameleon and Odd Arts, aims to build resilience and support young people to manage adversity through a culmination of theatre, drama, dance and psychology.

Six young people took part in the week-long workshop programme where lead dancer Kevin Edward Turner of Company Chameleon and Scottish Ballet’s Rhianna Laws taught a series of dance sessions exploring emotional intelligence, self-expression, drama, dance and movement, performance and teamwork. All young people positively engaged with the sessions, enjoying workshops with the professional artists and performing alongside their friends. Kibble’s Education Manager Laura Cairns explained:

“The programme was a huge success with the young people, and it felt like we had all formed a close-knit performance company. The workshop leaders were hugely inspirational and motivating, helping to create a safe, supportive space where everyone felt comfortable to express thoughts, ideas and emotions which then flowed into the performances”

“We couldn’t believe how engaged young people were and before they even began performing, they stood on the floor with their heads held high and the sense of pride and confidence they demonstrated was radiating from them. It was a joy to watch them learn and to see them so immersed in the workshops”.

As well as the workshop programme, young people and staff were also treated to a tour around the impressive Tramway Theatre, home to the Scottish Ballet. Young people were particularly impressed with the costume studio and shoe room where tutus and ballet shoes from past performances including Swan Lake and The Snow Queen lined the walls. Principle Dancer at Scottish Ballet, Jerome Anthony Barnes also stopped by to speak to the group and give insights into his career as a dancer.

The entire experience from beginning to end was incredibly inspiring, creating a welcoming and inclusive space for young people to shine. We’re already looking forward to next year and the opportunities the innovative partnership will bring. 

Posted: March 9, 2022

Goudie Academy marked No Smoking Day by producing a video and hosting an informative assembly. Across Kibble, there is a tobacco-free policy as young people and staff are supported in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Pupils held a school assembly to increase awareness of the risks associated with smoking and the dangers of nicotine. Young people themselves created a video that was educational as well as humorous to capture the attention of their fellow pupils at the meeting.

Within the production, one pupil took on the persona of ‘Professor Nicotine’ and shared scientific facts. Our mathematics teacher became Countdown’s Carol Vorderman to emphasise the high cost of smoking. As a result, pupils thoroughly agreed they would rather spend money on fun, luxurious items instead, including a fancy car. Young people confirmed their advice to any smokers would be, “stop smoking now to be minted later.”

Staff were invited to discuss their thoughts and when asked by young people to describe smoking in one word, the answers ranged from “stinky” and “unhealthy”.

Through funding from the Renfrewshire Health Improvement Team, Kibble has dedicated Smoke Free Coordinators.

“I encourage young people to make healthy choices by teaching them about the dangers of smoking. As young people become well-informed about the dangers smoking and nicotine cause, they are more likely to decide never to start, or to quit. I am readily available to fully support and assist young people to stay tobacco-free and lead a healthy  lifestyle.”

Smoke Free Coordinator, Barry

We are mindful of our responsibility to the health, safety and wellbeing of all at Kibble. Overall, No Smoking Day was a reminder to young people to happily remain tobacco-free.

Posted: March 7, 2022

The last Friday of February marked Purple Friday, the LGBT Youth Scotland annual fundraising day. Kibble celebrated and whole-heartedly joined in to raise funds through events and activities.

For Purple Friday, a collective challenge was set. All participants across Scotland had the mission to collectively walk the outline of the country in one day and raise £20,000. As part of the feat, Team Kibble had to walk a minimum of 5K and raise £350. By the end of the day, Team Kibble had impressively surpassed the target to reach an incredible 331K.

Across Kibble, everyone was determined to contribute steps to the overall total. There were group walks planned at The Skills Academy, Forest View primary school and amongst staff teams such as our Learning and Development department. The step count was boosted with Zumba and a stationary bike that was kept moving throughout the day. While our bake sale was constantly busy with delicious treats selling like hotcakes, increasing the amount raised in our purpose of ensuring LGBT people are valued.  

As staff, pupils and young people came together with the shared vision of making Scotland as inclusive as possible, a strong sense of belonging was felt. Together, we laughed and worked hard to meet our step count and fundraising target, contributing to a great cause while having fun. The camaraderie created an extremely joyful experience.

“Purple Friday was the best day ever; I was living my best life the whole day.”

Goudie Academy pupil

Kibble holds the value of respect and Purple Friday helped to showcase the acceptance of the LGBT community. Young people themselves expressed the importance of sending a positive message that the LGBT community are safe, included and supported.  

“It is important for all young people and staff to know their identify is accepted at Kibble, that everyone will be supportive and that any form of bullying is unacceptable. It is powerful to make sure young people and staff feel safe as soon as they arrive, boosting everyone’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Young person from the LGBTQ+ pupil support group

In partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland, Kibble has successfully achieved the LGBT Charter, gaining knowledge and confidence to create an inclusive environment where LGBT people are valued. We will strive to continue making all feel welcome. 

“I am delighted for Kibble to have achieved the LGBT Youth Scotland Charter. I am proud of how we have grown to become an organisation that is more inclusive and values diversity and is a safe space for our LGBTQ young people and staff.”

Executive Director Neil McMillan

Look at our photos from Purple Friday


The Skills Academy has refurbished kids bikes and donated them to Lochwinnoch Community Annexe.

Through expert guidance from The Skills Academy bike instructor, Robert Ross, students have restored the bikes and are proud they will now be valued by younger children.

“Our young bike maintenance students have done a wonderful job refurbishing and reinvigorating the bikes for The Annexe. The team have really poured all their efforts into this project and are looking forward to seeing the bikes going to a good cause.

The Skills Academy seeks to set young people up with qualifications, training and skills which can be taken further into communities and the job market, so it’s brilliant that the team here are able to see their efforts come full circle and pay off for the enjoyment of others.”

Depute Head of The Skills Academy, Mark Robertson

With Forest View based in Lochwinnoch, the neighbouring community group was a top choice for who to gift the kids bikes to. The community centre in the rural village of Lochwinnoch hosts fitness sessions, dance classes, kids’ parties and more. It has opened a café and within the spacious outdoor area that surrounds them lies an impressive cycle track. Our donation will further encourage families to embrace biking, encouraging them to venture outside and explore their local area, which is fulfilled with parks, green space and cycle paths.

“Thank you from everyone at the Lochwinnoch Community Annexe. These bikes will bring so much fun to the kids who want to use the BMX track and cycle path. We know how much effort you have all put in to restore these bikes and we promise to look after them.

Manager of Lochwinnoch Community Annexe, Robert McLeish

Photographed is Robert McLeish of Lochwinnoch Community Annexe with Robert Ross, The Skills Academy bike instructor.


Young people at our Safe Centre, alongside the staff team took part in a ‘Big Sleep Out’ on Tuesday 1 March to raise funds for charity Action for Children. ​​​​​​​

The budding group wanted to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children and families and chose to brace the sub-zero temperatures to help raise vital funds. The group of five pupils and six staff set up their station for the night with a roaring fire topped up with kindling, a ping pong table to keep spirits high, camp chairs, sleeping bags… and of course multiple cups of hot tea. However, big Keith’s music through the boogie box left a lot to be desired!

As the temperatures dipped to minus 3, there was certainly warmth of spirit as the dedicated group shared jokes, stories and lots of laughs as they huddled together in their sleeping bags. We’re not sure whether it was David “Mainman’s” practical jokes that kept them going through the night or if it was indeed Education Manager Hilly’s legendary beef stew cooked on the campfire, but either way the incredible group rallied together and saw sunrise.

To date, the group has raised a phenomenal £825, smashing their original £500 target out of the park. Further donations can be made via the Just Giving page.

Once again, young people across Kibble never fail to make us proud with their generosity and willingness to step up for others. Young people have taken part in various fundraising sleep outs over the years and their determination and kindness shows no bounds. Well done to the Famous five!

“Lots of young people who come to Kibble are supported by Action for Children and we know how much good work they do. The young person who organised this sleep out personally has experience with them and would love to give something back to them”. Callum Reilly, Child and Youth Care Worker

“I really enjoyed the sleepout with the other kids and staff. It was very cold. I got a couple of hours sleep but the majority was good except the cold – I really enjoyed the food and snacks.” Young Person

“I really enjoyed the sleepout and it was fun. It was very cold but it was nice and warm in my sleeping bag. I feel sorry for homeless people “ Young Person

“The Big Sleep out was one of the best experiences I have done when in care” Young Person

“I have worked in Kibble for twenty two and a half years and the Big Sleepout was arguably the best and most worthwhile activity I have ever been involved in. Well done to everyone involved!” John Hillcoat, Education Manager

“Jura house young people and staff decided that they wanted to do something for charity. It was agreed that they would complete “A Big Sleep Out”. Staff and young people planned this meticulously and set up a just giving page to raise much needed money for Action for Children, as one of the young people had received excellent support from them in the past. At time of writing, they have raised over £800 which is fantastic. All young people and staff are a credit to each other the centre and to Action for Children. Well done to all! Gary Peebles, Acting Head of Operations


In celebration of this year’s Festival of Care, which promotes the achievements of care experienced people, our schools held an immersive and interactive art exhibition on Thursday 3th March aligned to this year’s theme ‘Tending the Light’.

Yesterday our sports hall was the backdrop for the illuminous arts exhibition, featuring a variety of art installations proudly created by over 60 young people from Forest View Primary, Goudie Academy and Mirin Academy. The exhibition was the amalgamation of a month of preparations by pupils and the expressive arts department, with artwork created in the classroom and evening workshops. The project was coordinated alongside Who Cares? Scotland and local artist, Dawn Hair, of RIG Arts.

According to Who Cares? Scotland, this year’s powerful theme ‘Tending the Light’ asked what it takes for us to Tend the Light and keep the beacons burning brightly for Care Experienced people across Scotland? What is the light that we are tending? Is it the light of The Promise, the light of love and care, of doing things differently? Is it tending our own light, making sure it burns brightly so it can be seen by those who need it? Is it the light of our Care Experienced people, nurturing their own inner beacons, supporting them to shine brightly?

Among the installations included lighthouses of various scales symbolising the guiding light that draws boats at sea to safe harbour, a colourful light feature created from recycled plastic, a light projection display, electrifying music, an illuminated Kibble logo composed of vibrant bottle tops and buttons as well as a projector casting shadows in red, green and blue – perfect for photo opportunities and a chance for young people to practice their gymnastic prowess! Of course, every opportunity is a chance to learn and achieve, and the exhibition forms part of young people’s national qualifications and wider achievement awards.

The exhibition was a resounding success and welcomed pupils from each school to come and see their artwork come to life. Kibble staff attended in their allocated times and to say there was high praise for the pupils was an understatement. We’re incredibly proud of what pupils have achieved and once again this demonstrates the incredible talent and creative imagination of young people across Kibble.

“So impressed! The imagination, creativity and colour has blown me away. Everyone involved should be so proud”. Jemma from Who Cares? Scotland

Outstanding! And showed lots of talent”. Dan

“Such colourful light houses – I loved them all”. Anon

Posted: February 10, 2022

Pupils collaborated with Kibble’s design team to create crests for Forest View Primary School and the secondary schools within our Open Campus and Safe Centre. Both pupils and staff are extremely proud of the completed designs.

Forest View Primary School

School pupils enthusiastically shared their ideas for a school crest and fully cooperated with the design team to bring the finished design to life.

“In our Forest View school crest, we need to include the animals. I would like to see Monster the tortoise in the design.”

Forest View pupil

Goudie Academy and Mirin Academy

Kibble’s secondary schools were named by young people. All agreed upon ‘Goudie Academy’ for the school on-campus and ‘Mirin Academy’ for the Safe Centre before beginning to think about what the school crests would look like.

Young people produced various sketches to illustrate the school values and culture. Kibble’s design team were challenged with narrowing the talented drawings down to three options for each school. The selected designs were transformed into digital format for young people to vote and decide the winners.

“We are very happy with the crest designs which will be a lasting legacy for Kibble.”

Executive Director, Audrey

The Skills Academy

Kibble’s Education and Training Centre based in Hillington has its own logo. Find out more about The Skills Academy.

Posted: February 1, 2022

Young people’s outstanding artwork that was created throughout the past year has been designed into a calendar for 2022.

Art can encourage self-expression and creativity. Kibble’s regular school projects aim to instil confidence and a sense of achievement within young people. We are sure you agree the calendar for 2022, designed by young people’s drawings, is a work of art.

Take a Look

Discover the magnificent masterpieces created by talented young people at Kibble. Each month of the year showcases a unique, custom illustration with plenty of colours.

Posted: January 26, 2022

Are you looking for a rewarding job role? Sign-up for our job alerts and be the first to hear about vacancies at Kibble.

About Kibble

Kibble, the leading children’s organisation is committed to giving young people a chance at life. At Kibble, we empower young people through care, education and support. Our services range from residential care to education and training young people through The Skills Academy and more. For over 160 years we have supported young people to manage past trauma, giving them consistent love and care, an inspiring education, and the therapeutic supports to help them achieve their best.

There Is a Job Role to Suit You

At Kibble, we recruit for a range of jobs including roles in care, teaching, psychology, management positions and more.

Careers in care
Psychologist and therapist roles
Education and teaching jobs
Work in a supportive role from HR to ICT

Employee Benefits

Enjoy a free Prolife Gym Membership
Undertake further study, funded by Kibble
Huge discount for Puddle Lane

We offer excellent employee conditions
We have a dedicated Learning and Development team
There are plenty of reasons to Work for Kibble

As a national child and youth care organisation, Kibble has a dedicated team of staff exceeding 600 employees who help ensure young people receive the highest quality of care. Together, we strive to go above and beyond for young people and aim to create positive experiences each day. In return, each employee deserves time to focus on their own health, wellbeing and professional development. Find out more about the extensive employee conditions, benefits and rewards by visiting Why Work for Kibble?

Join Us

“It is an exciting time to begin a rewarding career with Kibble as we set out to grow and expand our services further; contributing to the enhancement of our already high standards. Working for Kibble means belonging and being part of a team that helps bring positive life experiences to young people, no matter what service you work in.”

Chief Executive Officer, Jim Gillespie

“At Kibble, we’re fully prepared to help young people grow in the right direction and guide them to keep up a positive attitude and make plans for their future.”

Child and Youth Care Worker, Mark