Kibble Admin, Author at Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity - Page 12 of 33
Posted: August 8, 2022

Young people at Kibble are the club’s new Ball Attendants for the season, with the volunteering hours counting towards their Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Since 2020, Kibble part-own St Mirren with a 27.5% stake in the local club along with its fans and the St Mirren Independent Supporters Trust (SMISA). Our partnership with the league team combines our youth-centred, educational and commercial expertise with St Mirren’s own first-class sporting facilities and profile.

Through the collaboration, we can offer a steady stream of valuable work and life experience to young people, giving them the opportunity to learn within a real, thriving business that caters to around 5,000 avid football supporters through its turnstiles at each match. Young people are given training and experience within front of house roles through these placements, working within the hospitality suites, in addition to learning about maintenance of the facilities and supporting the needs of the Scottish Premiership club.

The new Ball Attendant position puts the young people at the heart of the game – an incredibly exciting opportunity for those involved. The experience has increased confidence levels massively as young people have felt a sense of achievement and are on-track to gain the prestigious Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh Awards (DofE).

By accomplishing the awards and succeeding in the high-profile voluntary position, young people build skills and self-esteem, ultimately helping motivate them to set future aspirations and believe in themselves.

“I’m looking forward to being involved in the action at the games. It’s great to be part of a Premiership Football team and to learn more about what happens behind the scenes at the club. Not many would get the chance to call this work.”

One young person taking on the role of Ball Attendant

Jim Gillespie, CEO of Kibble and Board director at St Mirren FC, said: “We have been working in tandem with St Mirren FC since the partnership began to develop fresh ways to offer our young people the opportunity to learn and grow within a thriving local business. The Ball Assistant roles are an ideal way to not only help them gain this experience, but also encourage engagement and capture interest from the young people involved.

“Through each of the initiatives created with St Mirren, we strive to give our young people the chance to try something new, providing real value to their lives and futures, in addition to strengthening links with the local community and supporting the St Mirren team in the long run.”

Keith Lasley, COO of St Mirren FC, said: “This is an excellent initiative for the young people at Kibble to experience the buzz of match days at St Mirren, whilst earning valuable volunteering hours. It showcases the partnership between Kibble and St Mirren, and allows us to develop further opportunities to make a difference to the future of young people.

Jim Gillespie, CEO of Kibble, and Keith Lasley, COO of St Mirren
Posted: July 25, 2022

Kibble is helping young people prepare to live independently and thrive in their own home with support from a Nationwide Community Grant.

The thought of moving forward into employment and living alone can be daunting. Suddenly having the sole responsibility to manage finances, maintain a job, cook and have a social life can feel overwhelming. Many individuals face this milestone with guidance from family and friends. However, for others, there can be a lack of support as a result of facing adversity and trauma from a young age.

Kibble, with funding from Nationwide, is helping care-experienced young people live independently and enjoy having their own home. The funding has enabled Kibble to deliver the SQA Level 4 Successful Tenancy award, which is specifically designed to prepare learners to live safely themselves and encourage them to explore and be part of their local area. The qualification equips young people with the skills and knowledge needed to start the process as well as maintaining living alone while preventing isolation.

Our Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod offers a helping hand to young people, ensuring they receive a high level of support with personal finance, cooking, gaining employment and more. Young people have access to valuable support that can help them create a safe space to call their home and live a healthy lifestyle. The responsibilities of living independently are made manageable through Gillian’s advice and encouragement. Young people develop self-esteem, self-confidence and look positively towards the future.

Finding employment for young people is a priority of the project. Assistance with CV writing, interview preparation and linking young people to jobs and placements all help young people to start working. The opportunity to gain work experience, begin a job and earn money creates a sense of purpose and helps form friendships. Overall, contributing to a happy and healthy home life.

Kibble held a job fair for young people to learn more about the career opportunities available to them. Local businesses were invited to discuss their professions in more detail. Young learners were inspired by a range of organisations including National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland (NMIS), West College Scotland, Howden and more.

Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod has seen a change since the project began. She said, “Young people have made such progress in living independently, finding a job they enjoy and earning money since the project began. We recognise it is challenging to make the first step in applying for a job and then continue with the responsibilities of working while having your own home, however, there is a high level of support available to help young people see it through, feel a sense of achievement and plan for a brighter future.”

“One young person in particular has started plans for the future, expressing interest in learning more about saving with hopes of applying for a mortgage one day.”

Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod

Nationwide Paisley Branch Manager, Ronnie Girvan shared, “We are delighted to hear about the value the funding is bringing to the lives of young people who are living independently. The Nationwide Paisley branch will offer further support to young people by hosting learning sessions about how to save and how to apply for a mortgage. We will do all that we can to help young people develop skills in finance management.”

Moving forward, the project will continue to strengthen the confidence levels of young people, ensuring they are capable to maintain independent living throughout the future.

Nationwide Paisley Branch Manager, Ronnie Girvan presenting the cheque to Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod.
Posted: July 15, 2022

Posted: July 15, 2022

In her blog, Dr Helen Bratton, Consultant Clinical Psychologist from the Interventions for Vulnerable Youth (IVY) service explains the role of formulation to understand young people’s experiences and inform possible interventions.

What is Formulation?

A psychological formulation can be seen as a tool used to bring theory and practice together into a shared narrative of a person’s experience, providing a framework for understanding and possible intervention. Formulation helps us to make links between what has happened to a person and how they may be presenting in the here and now.  It provides an understanding of how all areas of their life have an impact on them and how they try to cope.  It helps us to consider the function of challenging behaviours and to consider helpful solutions.

Psychologists use their knowledge of several theories to understand how a person’s current difficulties are related to their past experiences and how the problems are being maintained. We consider biological, psychological, social and systemic factors when gathering information for a formulation. A formulation is not diagnostic in nature, it is dynamic and incorporates theory alongside beliefs, thoughts, feelings, interpretations and reflections. To be purposeful, a formulation needs to be meaningful.

How does IVY use Formulation?

Formulation helps to identify unmet needs, maladaptive coping and unhelpful patterns in a person’s life.  Using this information, we can focus on the most appropriate areas for intervention.  A formulation should be open to amendment in light of new information or a change in circumstances.  This is particularly true in the life of children and young people whose lives can change quickly as they are going through a period of rapid growth and development.

At IVY we use formulation in all three types of service that we offer. Within consultations we use the information provided by teams to generate a psychological understanding of the young person, their world, the systems around them and their risk related behaviours. When we undertake Type 2 risk assessments, we build on the initial formulation to consider the risk related behaviours in more detail and to shape risk management recommendations.  In Type 3 interventions we use the initial formulation to guide our treatment plan and will amend and adapt our understanding as we go, integrating new information.

If you want to learn more about how we use formulation, please contact

Posted: June 20, 2022

Last week a group of avid seafarers took to Scotland’s high waters for a three-day sailing voyage with Ocean Youth Trust Scotland. The nine-strong crew included five excited young people from Kibble’s Goudie Academy alongside teachers and care staff who came aboard for the once-in-a-lifetime experience where fun, and adventure prevailed from sunrise to sunset.

The crew set off with waves and cheers from their classmates before making their way to the dock at Inverclyde. Of course, no oceanic adventure would be complete without a proper royal Navy send-off… queue Kibble’s very own Chris McDonald who dusted off his freshly pressed white sailor suit for the special occasion.

Time to Set Sail

Once aboard it was all hands-on deck for a full health and safety briefing, lessons on how to use a life jacket, learning the knots, sails and the orientation of the boat. With everyone fully briefed, it was time to set sail! One of our enthusiastic young sailors safely cruised us out of safe harbour with the first stop on the map… Dunoon. As we made our way out to sea there was much excitement as we sailed past Scotland’s infamous Paddle Steamer ‘The Waverley’. To make our presence known we formed a Mexican wave and cheered as we continued our journey to the Holy Loch and a quick stop off at the swing park.

After being eaten alive by midges, it was back on board to prepare for dinner. This evening’s menu was a delicious veggie chilli followed by trifle which pupils challenged themselves to eat sans spoon… or hands! Once we shook off the giggles and chocolate sprinkles, we consulted the map to see our progress that day and plan our sail the following day. After a day of fresh air and excitement, it had certainly taken the wind out of our sails. We cosied into our cabin beds and were rocked off to sleep with a bedtime story.

Nature at Play

As the sun rose on a brand-new day, we were greeted by the sight of playful porpoises and seals. After a hearty breakfast, it was time to hoist up the sails and head in the direction of Bute towards Rothesay. With the anchor firmly down at the end of a successful day of navigating the tide, it was time for some fun and games. We got into teams and had a competition on who could sail around the boat on a dinghy the fastest – it’s safe to say that Jackie’s team weren’t going to be winning any gold medals here! That evening we tucked into delicious halloumi wraps before sailing to Inverkip to search for feisty crabs among the rocks. As the stars came out, we cosied into our cabins and gently drifted off to sleep with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Sailing Back to Bay

Today was the final day of our three-day voyage and we weren’t quite ready for our adventure to come to an end. We set sail back towards Greenock where we worked hard on the dock side to scrub the deck, polish the brass, clean the windows and ensure that the boat was left as clean as tidy as we had found it. Many of the crew had a VIP event at school to celebrate the achievements of the class of 2022. As we stepped off the boat back onto terra-firma, we tried to shake off our sea legs as we made our way back to school to get ready for the summer festival inspired leavers ceremony.

Whilst the sun had set on our three-day voyage, it was only the start of our seafaring adventures as we head off for a five-day sail in September. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Ocean Youth Trust for making our voyage so special, and of course, to our young sailors whose vigour and energy made our hearts swell.

Posted: June 7, 2022

Last week young people from Goudie and Mirin Academy enjoyed a special musical performance by talented musicians from the RSNO ahead of their highly anticipated concerto ‘Our Gilded Veins’ at Edinburgh’s Usher Hall.

Whilst many young people’s Spotify playlists tend to have more Rhianna than RSNO, the performance by principal flautist Katherine Bryan, supported by renowned Scottish composer Jay Capperauld, left everyone in awe. In particular, young people were visible impressed with the rendition of David Bowie’s infamous ‘Life on Mars’ and learning how classical orchestra is often featured in many of the computer games and films they knew of.

Our Gilded Veins is a new original piece which draws parallels to the challenges of mental health, and how opening ourselves up to others can bring real positives. It relates to the Japanese art of Kintsugi where objects that have once been fractured are slowly mended with gold to make something more beautiful, symbolic of a pathway to healing. It is a metaphor for embracing flaws and imperfections. 

Kibble has a longstanding connection with the RSNO and in previous years young people have enjoyed taking part in various workshops at their Glasgow base, including the week-long ‘Paisley Takeover’. In addition to the workshops, young people have also been involved backstage, learning all about stage management and lighting.

Chris Macdonald, Music Teacher at Kibble said:

“Seeing young people so enthralled by the short performance at Kibble was incredible. When they learned that much of the classical orchestra music was featured in computer games they played regularly, or recent films they have watched left them gobsmacked. Opportunities like this really help the kids expand their musical tastes and appreciate other genres”.

The RSNO’s performance of Our Gilded Veins opened on Friday 3rd June at the capital’s Usher Hall. Young people at Kibble were sent a live link to Saturday’s final concerto to see it all come to life on stage with the full orchestra. We’d like to say a huge thank you to RSNO for treating us to a sneak preview and look forward to exploring new opportunities in the future.

“Seeing young people so enthralled by the short performance at Kibble was incredible. When they learned that much of the classical orchestra music was featured in computer games they played regularly, or recent films they have watched left them gobsmacked. Opportunities like this really help the kids expand their musical tastes and appreciate other genres”.

Posted: June 6, 2022

Goudie Academy’s Summer Festival celebrated the achievements of the class of 2022. The event was a phenomenal success.

Welcome Class of 2022

The event was set to be spectacular from beginning to end. Welcomed by the lively sound of drums, we  passed the entrance into the festival itself. Live music filled the room with teachers and pupils playing on the main stage to the crowd, who were loudly singing back to the band. The atmosphere was fantastic with pupils, families, staff and even pets, getting together.

There was a photo booth, slushie machine, buffet and plenty of sweets and cupcakes. The table names were all famous music festivals from Wireless to Glastonbury. As everyone mingled across the room, taking part in the fun activities and catching up with one another, all would agree that the best summer festival was happening right in that moment at Kibble.

Pets were invited too.

About Our School Leavers

The school leaver presentation was the main event. Each teacher took time to speak about an individual pupil. The personalised talk about the progress each young person had made was awe-inspiring.

Principal Teacher, Lucy Mason shared, it was incredible to teach one of the kindest souls. To see confidence levels develop through projects with YDance was monumental. Lucy announced it was a privilege to see a pupil thrive and secure a place at college to do health and social care. Teacher, Chris reflected on 2022 and shared the achievements of one of his pupils who had shown a talent for performance, composition and understanding music. Qualifications and Attainment Manager, Fiona Sinclair told the room, a person can have all the qualifications in the world, but it takes a kind heart and a big smile to go far.

Graduates received their leavers hoodie and leavers handbook for their friends to sign as well as a portfolio marking their achievements.

It is Not Goodbye; it is See You Later

The day was a true celebration of the progress each pupil made while attending Goudie Academy. From making friends, finding subjects they enjoyed and participating in projects with Scottish Ballet, YDance and more. It is not goodbye as school leavers can always reach out to those who taught them at Kibble.

Take a Look at Our Photos

Posted: May 27, 2022

Deputy Head Teacher, Mark Robertson has built his career at Kibble, helping to mould the Senior Phase educational provision. His impact on Kibble has been huge. As Mark retires and all at Kibble gather to wish him well, his legacy continues with a nomination for the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Scottish Education Awards 2022.

Mark has played a vital role in inspiring learners, their families, fellow colleagues and the wider community and beyond for over 29 years. He dedicated himself to being an exceptional role model to young people. He has contributed to care experienced pupils achieving qualifications, and gaining life experiences, including travelling abroad and ultimately helping to shape their successful futures. The prestigious Scottish Education Awards announcing Mark as a finalist is a tremendous way to celebrate his contribution to education.

Kibble held a presentation for Mark’s retirement. Everyone was welcome to honour Mark’s time at Kibble and the difference he has made as an educator. All wished Mark the very best for the future, although are fully aware he will remain close by and on-hand to offer support to previous pupils and past colleagues. Together, we reflected on his Kibble career and agreed he was deserving of a nomination for Scottish Education’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Photos of Everyone Wishing Mark All The Best for The Future

Reflect on the Impact Mark Had on Pupils, Families and Colleagues

Beginning his career as a Child and Youth Care Worker, Mark transitioned into education and progressed into the role of Principal Teacher, followed by Deputy Head Teacher. Mark completed a Master’s degree in Business with a focus on developing a Business Model for vocational training and tertiary education services within Kibble. Mark has grasped opportunities to gain extensive qualifications and undertake further education and training to ensure his teaching methods develop and evolve in line with the ever-changing needs of young people.

As well as focusing on career development for himself, he has in tandem implemented ways to help pupils achieve qualifications, gain work experience and form aspirations to secure a job which they enjoy. Mark helps ensure young people have access to gain qualifications in line with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), offering a variety of subject choices, as well as a high level of support with literacy and numeracy. Mark has incorporated employability skills into course delivery and assessment to ensure pupils are equipped with knowledge and skills reflective of the current job market.

An example of the difference Mark has made to the lives of his pupils can be demonstrated through a previous pupil who Mark was a guidance teacher and mentor to. The young person is now a full-time employee at Kibble within the catering department, having gained all the relevant qualifications with Mark’s support and motivation.

“Mark is funny, caring and a hard worker. He has helped me by providing a work experience placement that I know will benefit me in the future”.

Young person

Mark goes above and beyond to enrich the experiences of young people. The study trips he organised and fundraised for are excellent examples of why he deserves the Lifetime Achievement Award. At Kibble, pupils are often care-experienced and have previously faced trauma and adversity. They have unlikely travelled out with their local area and have low expectations of taking a plane trip. However, due to Mark’s commitment, several educational excursions were made possible.

As part of the educational tours, two pupils travelled to Ecuador, spending time with local people and improving their poor housing conditions through the “Determined to Succeed” initiative. Through ‘Classroom for Malawi’, five pupils and six staff members built two classrooms and funded a teacher. The trip cost over £30K and involved fundraising activities across two years. A trip to Baltimore in America to make a stand for Civil Rights involved six pupils and four teachers. Each journey, from the process of fundraising to arriving and making a difference was a huge achievement.

The travel experiences gave care experienced pupils an understanding of the wider world, gaining awareness of culture and differences; a perspective they would not have learned without Mark’s involvement and tenacity. The fundraising aspect taught students entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, as well as helping towards other qualifications. Fundraising gave an insight into the meaning of community, increasing awareness of philanthropic issues and instilling moral values. Pupils worked together and recognised their power and responsibility in making a difference. Through the entire experience, pupils gained life skills that equipped them with the motivation to be a positive force in the wider community and beyond.

Mark leads on organisational funding projects to ensure the school has the resources available to fully support pupils moving forward to positive futures. Through initiating employability and tenancy projects, young people have received extra tuition and additional support to gain national qualifications, including the Tenancy Award – a qualification that prepares care-experienced young people to sustain independent living.

Mark has an open-door policy and offers full support to his fellow teachers. Mark has led by example by completing his Master’s qualification and has influenced colleagues to undertake continued professional development opportunities. The approachable nature he possesses is appreciated by staff.

“Mark has always offered support and been there with advice, sharing his experience of undertaking further study allowing us to relate to him. If there is help needed anywhere then Mark is first to be there”.

Principal Teacher, Tracey Jardine

Overall, Mark’s fundamental principle in teaching is to build meaningful relationships and connections. Throughout his career, Mark has sometimes been the sole, consistent adult in young peoples’ lives. He has nurtured the academic and vocational abilities of pupils while providing them with opportunities to experience the wider world and gain valuable life skills.

Mark has been instrumental in bringing to life Kibble’s overall goal to empower young people to believe in themselves, feel a sense of belonging, fulfil their potential, achieve and work towards a positive future.  Mark genuinely represents Kibble’s inspiring learning and development culture, encouraging both pupils and staff to be ambitious. By leading by example, fellow teachers have looked up to Mark and together, have strived to provide the best educational experience possible for pupils.

Posted: May 23, 2022

Our Learning and Development team welcomed those who wish to train and become Child and Youth Care Workers as the group interviews began for Career Start in Child and Youth Care.

Through Kibble’s Career Start in Child and Youth Care training programme, people with a drive to make a difference to the lives of children and young people can earn, train and gain qualifications to ultimately begin a career in care. Upon completion of the 12-month programme, candidates are guaranteed an interview with Kibble for the rewarding role of Child and Youth Care Worker.

Kibble recruited earlier in the year for caring individuals to join Career Start. Those who successfully passed the first stage of the application process were invited to a group interview.  Learning and Development along with previous Career Start graduates, Hazel and Aleisha hosted the roundtable. Both Hazel and Aleisha have worked with Kibble for over 3 years and provided a wealth of knowledge about what the programme and career entails, sharing a complete, genuine overview to the new recruits.

The day involved fun team-building activities and encouraged open discussion with question-and-answer sessions. All tasks helped everyone get to know one another and confirm their suitability to the responsibilities involved in undertaking the course. The candidates thoroughly enjoyed themselves and stated it had given them an insight into the role and Kibble itself as an employer. In line with our value of belonging, we strived to create a relaxed, positive experience for the potential recruits.

A highlight involved the team-building game, which saw candidates pretend to be on a desert island and having to cross the sea with their mat that acted as a ‘steppingstone’. Together they had to pass safely with some members blindfolded. It was a true feat of working together to develop trust and communication to problem-solve. All showed tremendous camaraderie.

The question-and-answer session paved the way for open discussion, which ranged from the Promise to what happens next in the application process as the candidates are keen to move forward, join Kibble, begin their training and start a career in care.

Look at Photos from Career Start Group Interviews

Posted: May 13, 2022

Young people marked Mental Health Awareness Week by getting creative.

Young people were determined to raise awareness of Mental Health Awareness Week and support one another. Art is a favourite subject for many, and posters were designed to encourage others to be kind to their mind. The inspiring artwork reminds those who pass by that mental health is wealth.

The week has encouraged us to increase awareness of mental health as well as the importance of creating memories together. Our shared experiences can help us provide emotional support to each other, create happy memories and feel a sense of belonging. Kibble’s key values include belonging, respect and ambition.

Posted: April 13, 2022

Recruiting Now for Staff-in-Training

We are in-search of individuals with life experience to become Child and Youth Care Workers. Through our Staff-in-Training course, candidates earn, achieve qualifications and gain real-life work experience, spending time with young people. Upon completion of the 12-month programme, the candidates are guaranteed an interview with Kibble to begin a new rewarding career.

Work for Kibble and help give young people a chance at life. For our Staff-in-Training course, the essential requirement is the drive to make a difference. With Kibble’s training and mentoring, there is an opportunity to become a fully qualified Child and Youth Care Worker.

Our investment in employee development continues throughout your career as we want all staff to be the best they can be and to have the capability to meet the everchanging needs of young people.

CEO, Jim Gillespie

“Through Kibble’s Staff-in-Training programme, I became a fully qualified Child and Youth Care worker gaining a HNC in Social Care. The investment in my progress continued and four years later I am now studying for a Master’s degree, funded by Kibble.”

Child and Youth Care Worker, Caoimhe

Join Our Online Recruitment Sessions

Find out more about our Child and Youth Care Worker Staff-in-Training course by joining us for a virtual information session. Send your preferred timeslot and receive a link to the session by emailing:  

  • Wednesday 20th April | 12.30 – 13.30
  • Wednesday 20th April | 19.00 – 20.00
  • Wednesday 27th April | 12.30 – 13.30
  • Wednesday 27th April | 19.00 – 20.00

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