2015 was a very special year for Kibble, as we commemorated 175 years since Miss Elizabeth Kibble wrote her Last Will and Testament, setting out instructions to "found and endow in Paisley an Institution for the purpose of reclaiming youthful offenders against the laws." This laid the foundations for Kibble as we know it today, still remaining true to our original principles as we continue to support young people facing adversity and offer hope for a brighter future.
In line with Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy we encourage young people to re-engage with learning, whether it's through tailored education or supported employment. During 2015 Kibble's provision for youth training and employment was consolidated into the Young Workforce Development Programme, encompassing KibbleWorks, Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) and the Youth Employment Support Programme (The YES Programme). Whilst KibbleWorks continues to provide a closely supported environment with young people working on a one-to-one basis within the raft of social enterprises, the YES Programme offers a pathway for those ready to move on from this close support environment.
In October, we launched the next phase of CJS recruitment. Young people were primarily offered jobs within Oskars (a reuse and recycling social enterprise). They joined the warehouse squad, worked in the showroom, or in an office environment. Each CJS position lasts between six to nine months, and helps those most at risk of becoming NEET, (not in education, employment, or training).
Our Young Workforce Development Programme now offers young people the chance to move through structured progression routes, increasing their levels of independence at work to the point where they would be considered 'work ready' and able to take on a 'real' job with all its attendant responsibilities. We believe these programmes offer a comprehensive range of options to young people who are embarking on their career journey, a difficult time in any young person's life, but even more so when coming from a background of care, offending, or other points of disadvantage.
The YES Programme was launched in April 2015 and started recruiting young people in June of that year. Funded by the Big Lottery, the three year programme is intended for school leavers with little or no qualifications, those with a lack of work experience, or young adults who are struggling to find/retain employment. It aims to deliver employment focused intervention at stage three of the employability pipeline, with young people embarking on a placement which lasts up to 26 weeks.
The YES programme takes young people from the local area, and works with a range of public, private and third sector partners.
The programme is based at The Experience, Kibble's Young Worforce Development Centre. It offers youth training and employment opportunities in leisure and hospitality. Young people learn a diverse range of skills across hospitality, customer service, community-based outdoor services, vehicle systems maintenance, painting and decorating, and creative techniques. During their time on the programme, young people can work towards qualifications and are assisted by a dedicated Youth Employment Support Worker. They are then encouraged to move to a positive destination with the support of our Employer Liaison Officer.
At the time of writing 44 young people have been offered a placement. So far 11 have secured jobs and three have enrolled in college.
It's been quite a year for The Experience, Kibble's Young Workforce Development Centre. Within seven months of opening, the themed entertainment and events venue received the prestigious 5-Star Activity Centre grading from VisitScotland, testament to the excellent customer service and exceptional standards provided. The Academy Restaurant was also given the VisitScotland seal of approval with The Taste Our Best Award.
Laser tag and the supersized slot car track opened in May, adding to the excitement already on offer with the electric Go-karts and The Academy Restaurant. The Conference Centre is home to our newest addition - the front fuselage of a Boeing 737, which made its debut in October. It's now ready for boarding, and offers the perfect party venue or meeting space with a difference.