Kibble's Education/Employability Support and Outreach Services offer education to young people where mainstream schooling, for whatever reason, has not worked. We encourage young people to re-engage with learning and achieve a positive destination. The addition of Garnock Lodge Primary School, which opened in August 2015, further strengthens the provision available. Our curriculum covers the four contexts of learning, and we've listed some highlights below.
The Big Debate - a series of debates for senior phase pupils looking at a variety of topical issues such as legal highs and religion
The RESPECT initiative - young people earn the right to trips and activities through showing respect for each other and themselves
Through links with the NHS Health Improvement Team in Renfrewshire, and Erskine Music and Media Youth Group, our S4 Personal and Social Development programme now includes a DVD made by young people on sexual health awareness and related issues
The school football team won the league cup at Airdrie FC
We work in partnership with local primary schools, and recently a project in the area of sports leadership was noted by Education Scotland
Pupil attendance at our primary school remained over 95% for all, with some maintaining 100% throughout
Visitors from the Scottish Parliament joined the Social Subjects department to give real life insight into the workings of Scottish politics
In order to maintain active engagement in learning, classes continued during the first week of the Easter break
For the first time we've presented young people for National 4 Awards in Drama. We also had passes at Higher level in Modern Studies and PE
Among the new awards, we now deliver the National 4 Care course, and are accredited to deliver the Safe Road User Award at SCQF Level 4
A group of staff and young people took part in an expedition to Lochwinnoch that included water sports and orienteering as part of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Two of our S6 pupils continued to make great progress, one is successfully combining studies with a part-time job, and the other is studying for a course in Social Care at college whilst gaining valuable work experience with us in a mentoring role
Alongside classroom-based activities in the Safe Centre over the holidays, dog training, football training and DJ workshops helped keep young people involved in purposeful activity
Young people visited Paisley attractions as part of a project and reflected on their findings - a good example of youngsters engaging positively and feeling part of their local community
SQA results form only part of the attainment profile for a young person who achieves at Kibble. For example in PE, young people also achieved four Sports Leaders Awards, six SFA Level 1 Children's Awards, six SFA Level 1 Youth Awards, one Level 1 Basketball Award, one Level 1 Badminton Award, six First Aid Awards, and six 'Show Racism the Red Card' Awards
Art On Show - four young people who submitted work to the Koestler Trust were selected for the exhibition in Edinburgh
Primary children enjoyed learning about upcycling, and themed sessions on expressive arts, and health and wellbeing
The basic premise of IDL is that learning will be deeper and more applicable if experienced in a range of contexts but with a shared theme. This happened regularly throughout the year, with activities such as fundraising events. Citizenship skills were also ably demonstrated when pupils welcomed elderly neighbours to the school. The pupils helped our guests in from the rain, served tea and cakes and sang songs from years gone by