Young people who attend The Skills Academy to study construction take pride in helping maintain the club’s SMISA stadium and Training Complex.
An amber weather warning for Renfrewshire was issued as gale force winds were forecasted. The gusts of up to 60MPH headed towards St Mirren’s SMISA Stadium and managed to damage the dug-out area.
The stadium’s open space accelerated the wind, which flew past the football pitch shelters and impacted the advertising boards that proudly feature the club crest and main sponsor, Digby Brown.
Kibble’s Skills Academy swiftly began repairs. Young people who attend the academy to gain construction qualifications carryout development projects and maintenance across the stadium and training grounds. The real-life work placements contribute towards their coursework. Alongside their instructors, young people were qualified to answer the call-out.
The Skill’s Academy Construction Instructor, Craig, said: “To see the confidence young people have in taking initiative to solve any issue presented to them is brilliant. We want to continue working side-by-side with St Mirren to suggest new ideas and keep young people motivated.”
“Young people enjoy learning valuable trade skills and seeing a project progress from beginning to end is the best way to keep them interested in achieving their qualifications.”