Kibble will feature in a series of short films focusing on social enterprises around the world. Due to launch summer 2015, the films are the result of a three year research project by University of Glasgow. Looking at the experiences of a number of different social enterprises and the lessons learned; the films show how these organisations combine helping people experiencing poverty or disadvantaged situations with running a successful business.
Our new training and events venue The Experience is one of the featured case studies and gives an understanding into the challenges faced and the milestones achieved. Recently opened, The Experience has already proven popular with thrill seekers and families alike wanting to sample Scotland’s only indoor electric adult and junior go-karting arena. Importantly the venture will also provide a minimum of 50 transitional jobs annually for young people aged 16+ as well as options for vocational training and work experience.
Kibble are in good company, the films will also feature Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus, Brigade, Social Bite, and a number of other prominent organisations from around the globe. Giving insight into the work that goes on to make a social enterprise thrive and the positive impact on the lives of the people they help, we think these will be the must see films for 2015, check out the trailer below.